GLORAD Publications
Publications by GLORAD affiliates (research associates, postdocs, directors), with DOI number or direct weblink where available. For books, please see Publications > Books.
Haour, G., von Zedtwitz, M. (2017): 从中国制造到中国创造:中国如何成为全球创新者--正版图书 (Cóng zhōngguó zhìzào dào zhōngguó chuàngzào: Zhōngguó rúhé chéngwéi quánqiú chuàngxīn zhě / From Made in China to Created in China: How China Becomes a Global Innovator). CITIC Publishers, Guangdong. 215 pages.
Bonakdar, A.; Frankenberger, K.; Bader, M.; Gassmann, O. (2017): Capturing value from business models: the role of formal and informal protection strategies. International Journal of Technology Management, Vol. 73, No. 4, 151-175.
Gassmann, O., Frankenberger, K., Sauer, R. (2017): A Primer of Theoretically Exploring the Field of Business Model Innovation. European Business Review, Jan-Feb 2017, 45-48.
Gassmann, O.; Frankenberger, K.; Sauer, R.; Emmonet, S.; Amann, C. (2017): Neue Geschäftsmodelle erfolgreich entwickeln und umsetzen: Ansätze zur Steuerung und Organisation von Geschäftsmodell-innovationen. Controlling : Zeitschrift für erfolgsorientierte Unternehmenssteuerung, 29 (2). 12-20.
Möllers, T; Bansemir, B.; Pretzl, M.; Gassmann, O. (2017): Design and Evaluation of a System Dynamics Based Business Model Evaluation Method. In: Maedche A., vom Brocke J., Hevner A. (eds) Designing the Digital Transformation. DESRIST 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10243. Springer, Cham.
Süzeroglu-Melchiors, S.; Gassmann, O.; Palmié, M. (2017): Friend or foe? The effects of patent attorney use on filing strategy vis-a-vis the effects of firm experience. Management Decision, 55 (6). 1122-1142.
Winterhalter, S.; Weiblen, T.; Wecht, C.; Gassmann, O. (2017): Business model innovation processes in large corporations: insights from BASF. Journal of Business Strategy, 38 (2). 62-75.
Jang, S.; Kim, J.W., von Zedtwitz, M. (2017): The importance of spatial agglomeration in product innovation: A microgeography perspective. Journal of Business Research 78, 143-154.
Hadengue, M.; de Marcellis-Warin., N.; von Zedtwitz, M.; Warin, T. (2017): Avoiding the Pitfalls of Reverse Innovation. Research Technology Management 60, 3, 40-47.
Bhattacharyya, O.; Wu, D.; Mossman, K.; Hayden, L.; Gill, P.; Cheng, Y.-L.; Daar, A.; Soman, D.; Synowiec, Ch.; Taylor, A.; Wong, J.; von Zedtwitz, M.; Slotkin, S.; Mitchell, W.; McGahan, A. (2017): Criteria to Assess Potential Reverse Innovations: Opportunities for Shared Learning Between High and Low Income Countries. Globalization and Health, 13, 4, 1-8.
Bonakdar, A.; Frankenberger, K.; Bader, M.; Gassmann, O. (2017): Capturing value from business models: the role of formal and informal protection strategies. International Journal of Technology Management, Vol. 73, No. 4, 151-175.
Gassmann, O., Frankenberger, K., Sauer, R. (2017): A Primer of Theoretically Exploring the Field of Business Model Innovation. European Business Review, Jan-Feb 2017, 45-48.
Gassmann, O.; Frankenberger, K.; Sauer, R.; Emmonet, S.; Amann, C. (2017): Neue Geschäftsmodelle erfolgreich entwickeln und umsetzen: Ansätze zur Steuerung und Organisation von Geschäftsmodell-innovationen. Controlling : Zeitschrift für erfolgsorientierte Unternehmenssteuerung, 29 (2). 12-20.
Möllers, T; Bansemir, B.; Pretzl, M.; Gassmann, O. (2017): Design and Evaluation of a System Dynamics Based Business Model Evaluation Method. In: Maedche A., vom Brocke J., Hevner A. (eds) Designing the Digital Transformation. DESRIST 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10243. Springer, Cham.
Süzeroglu-Melchiors, S.; Gassmann, O.; Palmié, M. (2017): Friend or foe? The effects of patent attorney use on filing strategy vis-a-vis the effects of firm experience. Management Decision, 55 (6). 1122-1142.
Winterhalter, S.; Weiblen, T.; Wecht, C.; Gassmann, O. (2017): Business model innovation processes in large corporations: insights from BASF. Journal of Business Strategy, 38 (2). 62-75.
Jang, S.; Kim, J.W., von Zedtwitz, M. (2017): The importance of spatial agglomeration in product innovation: A microgeography perspective. Journal of Business Research 78, 143-154.
Hadengue, M.; de Marcellis-Warin., N.; von Zedtwitz, M.; Warin, T. (2017): Avoiding the Pitfalls of Reverse Innovation. Research Technology Management 60, 3, 40-47.
Bhattacharyya, O.; Wu, D.; Mossman, K.; Hayden, L.; Gill, P.; Cheng, Y.-L.; Daar, A.; Soman, D.; Synowiec, Ch.; Taylor, A.; Wong, J.; von Zedtwitz, M.; Slotkin, S.; Mitchell, W.; McGahan, A. (2017): Criteria to Assess Potential Reverse Innovations: Opportunities for Shared Learning Between High and Low Income Countries. Globalization and Health, 13, 4, 1-8.
Corsi, S., von Zedtwitz, M. (2016): Reverse Innovation - A New World Order for Global Innovation? The European Business Review, Nov/Dec 2016, 73-77.
Haour, G., von Zedtwitz, M. (2016). Created in China – How China is becoming a global innovator. London: Bloomsbury. 185 pages.
von Zedtwitz, M.; Gassmann, O. (2016): Global Corporate R&D to and from Emerging Countries. In: Dutta, S.; Lanvin, B.; Wunsch-Vincent, S. (Editors): The Global Innovation Index 2016. Chapter 9, 125-131.
Schuhmacher, A.; Gassmann, O.; Hinder, M.(2016): Changing R&D models in research-based pharmaceutical companies. Journal of Translational Medicine, Nr. 105, Band 14.
Lingens, B.; Winterhalter, S.; Krieg, L.; Gassmann, O. (2016): Archetypes and Basic Strategies of Technology Decisions. Research Technology Management, Nr. 2, Band 59, S. 36-46.
Palmié, M., Zeschky, M., Winterhalter, S., Sauter, P.W., Haefner, N., Gassmann, O. (2016): Coordination mechanisms for international innovation in SMEs: effects on time-to-market and R&D task complexity as a moderator. Small Business Economics, 46(2): 273-294.
Altun, K.; von Zedtwitz, M.; Dereli, T. (2016): Multi-Issue Negotiation in Quality Function Deployment: Modified Even-Swaps in New Product Development. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 92, 31-49.
Zhu, A.; von Zedtwitz, M.; Assimakopoulos, D.; Fernandes, K.J. (2016): The Impact of Organizational Culture on Concurrent Engineering, Design-for-Safety and Product Safety Performance. International Journal of Production Economics, 176, 69-81.
Haour, G., von Zedtwitz, M. (2016): China on Its Way to Be a Global Innovator. All China Review (online), 9 Feb 2016.
Shuradze, G., Wagner, H.-T. (2016): Governing for Agility and Innovation in Data-Rich Environments: A Data Analytics Capabilities Perspective. Proceedings of the 24th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 1-14.
Rothmann, W., Wenzel, M., & Wagner, H.-T. (2016): Technological Opportunities and Their Rejection: A Process Perspective on Organizational Lock-In. In B. Ran (Ed.), Contemporary Perspectives on Technological Innovation, Management and Policy, Vol. 3. Charlotte, NC, USA: Information Age Publishing.
Shuradze, G., Wagner H.-T. (2016): Towards a Conceptualization of Data Analytics Capabilities. Proceedings of the 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
Wagner H.-T. (2016): Individual IT roles in business-IT alignment and IT governance. Proceedings of the 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
Di Minin, A. Quan, X., and Zhang, J. (forthcoming in 2016): A Comparison of International R&D Strategies of Chinese Companies in Europe and the U.S. International Journal of Technology Management.
Wang, C.H., Quan, X. (forthcoming in 2016): Technology acquisition through exploration alliance: network positions and technology diversity. International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning.
Gassmann, O., Homann, F. Palmié, M. (2016, forthcoming): Innovationsstandort Schweiz: Warum multinationale Unternehmen Forschung und Innovation in der Schweiz betreiben – und was die Schweiz davon hat. Die Volkswirtschaft, 89(5).
Homann, F., Bader, M.A. (2016): Protecting local R&D in the BRICs. Intellectual Asset Management Magazine, Nr. 75 (January/February), p. 28-33.
Gassmann, O., Homann, F. (2016, forthcoming): Innovation und Wachstum in der Schweiz: Handlungsempfehlungen für Unternehmen und Politik. Swiss Economic Forum 2016, Interlaken, Switzerland, 9-10 June 2016.
Gassmann, O., Homann, F. Palmié, M. (2016, forthcoming): F&I-Aktivitäten multinationaler Unternehmen in der Schweiz. In: Schriftenreihe SBFI. Staatssekretariat für Bildung, Forschung und Innovatiom, Bern, Switzerland.
Borini, F., Costa, S., & Oliveira Jr., M.M. (2016): Reverse innovation antecedents. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 11, 2.
Ribeiro, F.C., Oliveira Jr., M.M., & Borini, F.M. (2016): Internationalisation of New Technology-Based Firms from Emerging Markets. International Journal of Technology Management.
Prud’homme, D., Song, H. (Eds) (2016): Economic impacts of intellectual property-conditioned government incentives. Springer, Singapore (forthcoming).
Prud’homme, D. (2016.): Balancing appropriability, accessibility, and patent quality: utility model patent systems approaches to innovation, in Li, Y. (Ed), Patent Law and Innovation in Greater China. Hong Kong University Press, HK.
Prud’homme, D. (2016): Dynamics in China’s provincial-level specialization in strategic emerging industries. Research Policy. doi:10.1016/j.respol.2016.03.022
Prud’homme, D. (2016): Governance of intellectual property in China and Europe. European Intellectual Property Review..
Prud’homme, D. (2016): Constructing utility model patent systems: lessons from Europe and China. European Intellectual Property Review.
Rosenauer, D., Homan, A.C., Horstmeier, C.A.L. & Voelpel, S.C. (2015). Managing nationality diversity: The interactive effect of leaders' cultural intelligence and task interdependence. British Journal of Management, ##(##), 1–18.
Horstmeier, C. A. L., Boer, D. Homan, A.C., & Voelpel, S. C. (2015). The Differential Effects of Transformational Leadership on Multiple Identifications at Work: A Meta-Analytic Model. British Journal of Management, ##(##), ##–##.
Boer, D., Deinert, A., Homan, A.C. & Voelpel, S.C. (in press). Revisiting the mediating role of leader-member exchange in transformational leadership: The differential impact model. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, ##(##), ##–##.
Deinert, A., Boer, D. Homan, A.C., Voelpel, S.C., Gutermann, D. (in print). Transformational leadership sub-dimensions and their link to leaders' personality and performance. The Leadership Quarterly, ##(##), ##–##.
Gerpott, F.H., Lehmann-Willenbrock, N. & Voelpel, S.C. (in press). A phase model of intergenerational learning in organizations. Academy of Management Learning and Education, ###, ###-###.
Korff, J., Biemann, T., & Voelpel, S.C. (in press). HRM Systems and Work Attitudes: Integrating Individuals' Temporal Prospects. Journal of Organizational Behavior, ###, ###-###.
Buengeler, C., Homan, A.C. & Voelpel, S.C. (in press). The challenge of being a young manager: The effects of contingent reward and participative leadership on team-level turnover depend on leader age. Journal of Organizational Behavior, ###, ###-###.
Haour, G., von Zedtwitz, M. (2016). Created in China – How China is becoming a global innovator. London: Bloomsbury. 185 pages.
von Zedtwitz, M.; Gassmann, O. (2016): Global Corporate R&D to and from Emerging Countries. In: Dutta, S.; Lanvin, B.; Wunsch-Vincent, S. (Editors): The Global Innovation Index 2016. Chapter 9, 125-131.
Schuhmacher, A.; Gassmann, O.; Hinder, M.(2016): Changing R&D models in research-based pharmaceutical companies. Journal of Translational Medicine, Nr. 105, Band 14.
Lingens, B.; Winterhalter, S.; Krieg, L.; Gassmann, O. (2016): Archetypes and Basic Strategies of Technology Decisions. Research Technology Management, Nr. 2, Band 59, S. 36-46.
Palmié, M., Zeschky, M., Winterhalter, S., Sauter, P.W., Haefner, N., Gassmann, O. (2016): Coordination mechanisms for international innovation in SMEs: effects on time-to-market and R&D task complexity as a moderator. Small Business Economics, 46(2): 273-294.
Altun, K.; von Zedtwitz, M.; Dereli, T. (2016): Multi-Issue Negotiation in Quality Function Deployment: Modified Even-Swaps in New Product Development. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 92, 31-49.
Zhu, A.; von Zedtwitz, M.; Assimakopoulos, D.; Fernandes, K.J. (2016): The Impact of Organizational Culture on Concurrent Engineering, Design-for-Safety and Product Safety Performance. International Journal of Production Economics, 176, 69-81.
Haour, G., von Zedtwitz, M. (2016): China on Its Way to Be a Global Innovator. All China Review (online), 9 Feb 2016.
Shuradze, G., Wagner, H.-T. (2016): Governing for Agility and Innovation in Data-Rich Environments: A Data Analytics Capabilities Perspective. Proceedings of the 24th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 1-14.
Rothmann, W., Wenzel, M., & Wagner, H.-T. (2016): Technological Opportunities and Their Rejection: A Process Perspective on Organizational Lock-In. In B. Ran (Ed.), Contemporary Perspectives on Technological Innovation, Management and Policy, Vol. 3. Charlotte, NC, USA: Information Age Publishing.
Shuradze, G., Wagner H.-T. (2016): Towards a Conceptualization of Data Analytics Capabilities. Proceedings of the 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
Wagner H.-T. (2016): Individual IT roles in business-IT alignment and IT governance. Proceedings of the 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
Di Minin, A. Quan, X., and Zhang, J. (forthcoming in 2016): A Comparison of International R&D Strategies of Chinese Companies in Europe and the U.S. International Journal of Technology Management.
Wang, C.H., Quan, X. (forthcoming in 2016): Technology acquisition through exploration alliance: network positions and technology diversity. International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning.
Gassmann, O., Homann, F. Palmié, M. (2016, forthcoming): Innovationsstandort Schweiz: Warum multinationale Unternehmen Forschung und Innovation in der Schweiz betreiben – und was die Schweiz davon hat. Die Volkswirtschaft, 89(5).
Homann, F., Bader, M.A. (2016): Protecting local R&D in the BRICs. Intellectual Asset Management Magazine, Nr. 75 (January/February), p. 28-33.
Gassmann, O., Homann, F. (2016, forthcoming): Innovation und Wachstum in der Schweiz: Handlungsempfehlungen für Unternehmen und Politik. Swiss Economic Forum 2016, Interlaken, Switzerland, 9-10 June 2016.
Gassmann, O., Homann, F. Palmié, M. (2016, forthcoming): F&I-Aktivitäten multinationaler Unternehmen in der Schweiz. In: Schriftenreihe SBFI. Staatssekretariat für Bildung, Forschung und Innovatiom, Bern, Switzerland.
Borini, F., Costa, S., & Oliveira Jr., M.M. (2016): Reverse innovation antecedents. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 11, 2.
Ribeiro, F.C., Oliveira Jr., M.M., & Borini, F.M. (2016): Internationalisation of New Technology-Based Firms from Emerging Markets. International Journal of Technology Management.
Prud’homme, D., Song, H. (Eds) (2016): Economic impacts of intellectual property-conditioned government incentives. Springer, Singapore (forthcoming).
Prud’homme, D. (2016.): Balancing appropriability, accessibility, and patent quality: utility model patent systems approaches to innovation, in Li, Y. (Ed), Patent Law and Innovation in Greater China. Hong Kong University Press, HK.
Prud’homme, D. (2016): Dynamics in China’s provincial-level specialization in strategic emerging industries. Research Policy. doi:10.1016/j.respol.2016.03.022
Prud’homme, D. (2016): Governance of intellectual property in China and Europe. European Intellectual Property Review..
Prud’homme, D. (2016): Constructing utility model patent systems: lessons from Europe and China. European Intellectual Property Review.
Rosenauer, D., Homan, A.C., Horstmeier, C.A.L. & Voelpel, S.C. (2015). Managing nationality diversity: The interactive effect of leaders' cultural intelligence and task interdependence. British Journal of Management, ##(##), 1–18.
Horstmeier, C. A. L., Boer, D. Homan, A.C., & Voelpel, S. C. (2015). The Differential Effects of Transformational Leadership on Multiple Identifications at Work: A Meta-Analytic Model. British Journal of Management, ##(##), ##–##.
Boer, D., Deinert, A., Homan, A.C. & Voelpel, S.C. (in press). Revisiting the mediating role of leader-member exchange in transformational leadership: The differential impact model. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, ##(##), ##–##.
Deinert, A., Boer, D. Homan, A.C., Voelpel, S.C., Gutermann, D. (in print). Transformational leadership sub-dimensions and their link to leaders' personality and performance. The Leadership Quarterly, ##(##), ##–##.
Gerpott, F.H., Lehmann-Willenbrock, N. & Voelpel, S.C. (in press). A phase model of intergenerational learning in organizations. Academy of Management Learning and Education, ###, ###-###.
Korff, J., Biemann, T., & Voelpel, S.C. (in press). HRM Systems and Work Attitudes: Integrating Individuals' Temporal Prospects. Journal of Organizational Behavior, ###, ###-###.
Buengeler, C., Homan, A.C. & Voelpel, S.C. (in press). The challenge of being a young manager: The effects of contingent reward and participative leadership on team-level turnover depend on leader age. Journal of Organizational Behavior, ###, ###-###.
von Zedtwitz, M.; Corsi, S.; Soberg, P.; Frega, R. (2015): A Typology of Reverse Innovation. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 32, 1, 12-28.
Jang, S.; Chung, J. (2015): How Do Interaction Activities Among Customers and Between Customers and Firms Influence Market Performance and Continuous Product Innovation? An Empirical Investigation in the Mobile Application Market. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 32, 2, 183-191.
von Zedtwitz, M.; J. Haynes; J. Thraen (2015): Stemming the Flow. EuroBiz Journal of the European Union Chamber in China. March-April, 10-13.
Ratinho, T., Harms, R., & Walsh, S. (2015). Structuring the Technology Entrepreneurship publication landscape: Making sense out of chaos. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 100, 168–175.
von Zedtwitz, M. (2015): The Internationalisation of Business R&D—Book Review. R&D Management, 45, 2, 212-213.
Jin, J.; von Zedtwitz, M.; Chong, L.-C. (2015): Formation of R&D Alliances in the Chinese Mobile Telephony Industry. Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies, 8, 2, 70-81.
Korotka, M., Benneworth, P., & Ratinho, T (2015). Back to the future of high technology fantasies? in Miao, J., Benneworth, P. & Phelps, N. (eds.) Making 21st Century Knowledge Complexes: Technopoles of the world revisited, Abingdon: Routledge.
Majchrzak, T.A., Wolf, S., and Abbassi, P., (2015): Comparing the Capabilities of Mobile Platforms for Business App Development. Information Systems: Development, Applications, Education (29th November 2015)
Spiegel, O., Abbassi, P., Zylka, M., Schlagwein, S., Fischbach, K., and Schoder, D. (2015) Business model development, founders’ social capital and the success of early stage internet start-ups: a mixed-method study. Information Systems Journal, 26th May 2015.
Moos, B., Wagner, H.-T., Beimborn, D., & Weitzel, T. (2015): The Contagious Power of Innovativeness: How Different Corporate Partners Contribute to a Firm's Knowledge. International Journal of Innovation Management, 19(4): 1-38.
Schäfferling, A., & Wagner, H.-T. (2015): Exploring the capital market effects of IT capability: the case of ownership structure. Journal of Business Economics (previously: Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft ZfB) (85)4: 455-477.
Schlosser, F., Beimborn, D., Weitzel, T., & Wagner, H.-T. (2015): Achieving social alignment between business and IT - an empirical evaluation of the efficacy of IT governance mechanisms. Journal of Information Technology, 30(2): 119-135.
Shuradze, G., Wagner H.-T., & Wagner, D. (2015): Technological platforms and innovation: Review, integration, and extension. Proceedings of the 21st Americas Conference on Information Systems, Puerto Rico.
Wagner, H.-T., & Moos, B. (2015): Social capital and usefulness of external knowledge: The moderating role of group affiliation. Proceedings of the 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Kauai, HI, USA.
Wenzel, M., Wagner, D., Wagner H.-T., & Koch, J. (2015): Digitization and path-disruption: An examination in the funeral industry. Proceedings of the 23rd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Muenster, Germany.
Greeven, M.J., Zheng Gang (2015): The influence of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurship practice based on Zhejiang University National Science Park companies survey. Zhejiang University Education Research, Jan 2015. [in Chinese]
Dlugoborskyte, V., Norvilaite, V., & Petraite, M. (2015): Creativity and Innovation Management: Team Performance Peculiarities. Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues, 3(1), 25-39.
Dlugoborskyte, V., Petraite, M., & Buse, St. (2015): Linking Entrepreneurial, Strategic and Network Variables in Explaining the Emergence of Born Global R&D Intensive Firm. Social Sciences, 1(87), 7-18.
Bauke, B., Semrau, T., & Han, Z. (2015): Relational trust and new ventures’ performance: the moderating impact of national-level institutional weakness. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, online 2015, 1-18.
Han, Z., & Lorenz R. (2015): Insights into success factors of innovation projects. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 19, 3/4, 163-193.
Prud’homme, D. (2015): China’s shifting patenting landscape and state-led patent strategy. Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice 10(8), 619- 625.
Prud’homme, D. (2015): Forecasting threats and opportunities for foreign innovators in China’s strategic emerging industries: a policy-based analysis. Thunderbird International Business Review.
Prud’homme, D. (2015): “Soft spots” in China’s utility model patent system: perceptions, assessment, and reform. European Intellectual Property Review 37 (5), 305-310.
Homan, A.C., Buengeler, C., Eckhoff, R.A., Van Ginkel, W.P., & Voelpel, S.C. (2015). The interplay of diversity training and diversity beliefs on team creativity in nationality diverse teams. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100, 1456-1467.
Pletzer, J.L., Nikolova, R., Kedzior, K.K., & Voelpel, S. (2015). Does gender matter? Female representation on corporate boards and firm performance- a meta-analysis. PLoS ONE, 10(06), 1–20.
Lloyd, K., Boer, D., Keller, J.W. & Voelpel, S.C. (2015). Is my boss really listening to me? The impact of perceived supervisor listening on emotional exhaustion, turnover intention, and organizational citizenship behavior. Journal of Business Ethics, 130(3), 509–524.
Jang, S.; Chung, J. (2015): How Do Interaction Activities Among Customers and Between Customers and Firms Influence Market Performance and Continuous Product Innovation? An Empirical Investigation in the Mobile Application Market. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 32, 2, 183-191.
von Zedtwitz, M.; J. Haynes; J. Thraen (2015): Stemming the Flow. EuroBiz Journal of the European Union Chamber in China. March-April, 10-13.
Ratinho, T., Harms, R., & Walsh, S. (2015). Structuring the Technology Entrepreneurship publication landscape: Making sense out of chaos. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 100, 168–175.
von Zedtwitz, M. (2015): The Internationalisation of Business R&D—Book Review. R&D Management, 45, 2, 212-213.
Jin, J.; von Zedtwitz, M.; Chong, L.-C. (2015): Formation of R&D Alliances in the Chinese Mobile Telephony Industry. Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies, 8, 2, 70-81.
Korotka, M., Benneworth, P., & Ratinho, T (2015). Back to the future of high technology fantasies? in Miao, J., Benneworth, P. & Phelps, N. (eds.) Making 21st Century Knowledge Complexes: Technopoles of the world revisited, Abingdon: Routledge.
Majchrzak, T.A., Wolf, S., and Abbassi, P., (2015): Comparing the Capabilities of Mobile Platforms for Business App Development. Information Systems: Development, Applications, Education (29th November 2015)
Spiegel, O., Abbassi, P., Zylka, M., Schlagwein, S., Fischbach, K., and Schoder, D. (2015) Business model development, founders’ social capital and the success of early stage internet start-ups: a mixed-method study. Information Systems Journal, 26th May 2015.
Moos, B., Wagner, H.-T., Beimborn, D., & Weitzel, T. (2015): The Contagious Power of Innovativeness: How Different Corporate Partners Contribute to a Firm's Knowledge. International Journal of Innovation Management, 19(4): 1-38.
Schäfferling, A., & Wagner, H.-T. (2015): Exploring the capital market effects of IT capability: the case of ownership structure. Journal of Business Economics (previously: Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft ZfB) (85)4: 455-477.
Schlosser, F., Beimborn, D., Weitzel, T., & Wagner, H.-T. (2015): Achieving social alignment between business and IT - an empirical evaluation of the efficacy of IT governance mechanisms. Journal of Information Technology, 30(2): 119-135.
Shuradze, G., Wagner H.-T., & Wagner, D. (2015): Technological platforms and innovation: Review, integration, and extension. Proceedings of the 21st Americas Conference on Information Systems, Puerto Rico.
Wagner, H.-T., & Moos, B. (2015): Social capital and usefulness of external knowledge: The moderating role of group affiliation. Proceedings of the 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Kauai, HI, USA.
Wenzel, M., Wagner, D., Wagner H.-T., & Koch, J. (2015): Digitization and path-disruption: An examination in the funeral industry. Proceedings of the 23rd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Muenster, Germany.
Greeven, M.J., Zheng Gang (2015): The influence of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurship practice based on Zhejiang University National Science Park companies survey. Zhejiang University Education Research, Jan 2015. [in Chinese]
Dlugoborskyte, V., Norvilaite, V., & Petraite, M. (2015): Creativity and Innovation Management: Team Performance Peculiarities. Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues, 3(1), 25-39.
Dlugoborskyte, V., Petraite, M., & Buse, St. (2015): Linking Entrepreneurial, Strategic and Network Variables in Explaining the Emergence of Born Global R&D Intensive Firm. Social Sciences, 1(87), 7-18.
Bauke, B., Semrau, T., & Han, Z. (2015): Relational trust and new ventures’ performance: the moderating impact of national-level institutional weakness. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, online 2015, 1-18.
Han, Z., & Lorenz R. (2015): Insights into success factors of innovation projects. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 19, 3/4, 163-193.
Prud’homme, D. (2015): China’s shifting patenting landscape and state-led patent strategy. Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice 10(8), 619- 625.
Prud’homme, D. (2015): Forecasting threats and opportunities for foreign innovators in China’s strategic emerging industries: a policy-based analysis. Thunderbird International Business Review.
Prud’homme, D. (2015): “Soft spots” in China’s utility model patent system: perceptions, assessment, and reform. European Intellectual Property Review 37 (5), 305-310.
Homan, A.C., Buengeler, C., Eckhoff, R.A., Van Ginkel, W.P., & Voelpel, S.C. (2015). The interplay of diversity training and diversity beliefs on team creativity in nationality diverse teams. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100, 1456-1467.
Pletzer, J.L., Nikolova, R., Kedzior, K.K., & Voelpel, S. (2015). Does gender matter? Female representation on corporate boards and firm performance- a meta-analysis. PLoS ONE, 10(06), 1–20.
Lloyd, K., Boer, D., Keller, J.W. & Voelpel, S.C. (2015). Is my boss really listening to me? The impact of perceived supervisor listening on emotional exhaustion, turnover intention, and organizational citizenship behavior. Journal of Business Ethics, 130(3), 509–524.
Tang, C.-Y.; Shang, J.; Naumann, S.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2014): How Team Identification and Expertise Identification Affect R&D Employees’ Creativity. Creativity and Innovation Management, 23, 3, 276-289
Herstatt, C.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2014): Global Products from Innovation Labs in Developing Countries. Special Issue in the International Journal of Technology Management, Vol. 64, No. 2/3/4, 109-116.
Schweitzer, F., Gassmann, O., & Rau, C. (2014). Lessons from Ideation: Where Does User Involvement Lead Us?. Creativity and Innovation Management, 23(2), 155-167, DOI:10.1111/caim.12058.
Gassmann, O. (2014). The danger in missing the innovation moment: Companies fail to identify future opportunities because they do not have fresh business models. Financial Times(0), tbd-tbd.
Zeschky, M., Daiber, M., Widenmayer, B., & Gassmann, O. (2014). Coordination in global R&D organizations: an examination of the role of subsidiary mandate and modular product architectures in dispersed R&D organizations. Technovation, 0000(0000), xxxx, DOI:10.1016/j.technovation.2014.06.001.
Zeschky, M., Winterhalter, S., & Gassmann, O. (2014). From Cost to Frugal and Reverse Innovation: Mapping the Field and Implications for Global Competitiveness. Research Technology Management, 57(4), 1-8.
Palmié, M., Keupp, M. M., & Gassmann, O. (2014). Pull the Right Levers: Creating Internationally ‘Useful’ Subsidiary Competence by Organizational Architecture. Long Range Planning, 47(1-2), 32-48, DOI:10.1016/j.lrp.2013.10.007.
Frankenberger, K., Weiblen, T., & Gassmann, O. (2014). The antecedents of open business models: an exploratory study of incumbent firms. R&D Management, 44(2), 173-188, DOI:10.1111/radm.12040.
Zeschky, M., Widenmayer, B., & Gassmann, O. (2014). Organizing for reverse innovation in Western MNCs: the role of frugal product innovation capabilities. International Journal of Technology Management, 64(2-4), 255-275, DOI:10.1504/IJTM.2014.059948.
Corsi S., Di Minin A. (2014). Disruptive Innovation…in Reverse: Adding a Geographical Dimension to Disruptive Innovation Theory. Creativity and Innovation Management, Vol. 23 n. 1, pp. 76-90.
Benneworth, P. & Ratinho, T. (2014) Regional innovation culture in the social knowledge economy in R. Rutten, Benneworth, P., Boekema, F., Irawati, D. (eds) The social dynamics of innovation networks, London: Routledge.
Corsi S., Di Minin A., Piccaluga A. (2014). Reverse Innovation at Speres. A Case Study in China. Research-Technology Management, July-August, pp. 28-34.
Benneworth, P., & Ratinho, T. (2014). Reframing the role of knowledge parks and science cities in knowledge-based urban development. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 32(5), 784–808.
Spiegel, O., Abbassi, P., Zylka, M., Posegga, O., Fischbach, K., Schlagwein, S. and Schoder, D. (2014): “Getting Boundary Conditions Right: Towards a Classification of the Information Economy Sectors”. 2014 Academy of Management Annual Meeting (no proceedings).
Altun, K.; Dereli, T. (2014): Even easier multi-issue negotiation through Modified Even-Swaps considering practically dominated alternatives. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 76 307-317.
Greeven, M.J. (2014): Alibaba Group and Jack Ma, in: Fu Lai Tony Yu and Ho don Yan (eds): Handbook in East Asia Entrepreneurship, Chapter 33. Routledge Publisher, London.
Greeven, M.J., Van de Kaa (2014): Strategic alliances for innovation in China: institutional alliance capability? in: Das, T. (ed) Strategic alliances for Innovation and R&D, Information Age Publishing.
Greeven, M.J. (2014): Sources of Institutional Capability for Innovation in China’s Catching up Economy: An explorative study, in: Chen Jin and Latif Al-hakim (eds): Quality Innovation: Knowledge, Theory and Practices, IGI Global.
Greeven, M.J., Zhu, F. (2014) Green Zhejiang: Guanxi management in China’s social organizations. Zhejiang University, School of Management, Case Development Center. [in Chinese]
Wan, H.H., Quan, X. (2014): Towards a Framework of the Process of Open Innovation: Case of Acclarent in the Medical Device Industry. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management 11, 5.
Péréa, C., & Brion, S. (2014): IT Use and Dispersed New Product Development Project Performance: The Mediating Role of Coordination. In Rowe F. and Te'eni D.: Innovation and IT in an International Context. Palgrave Macmillan UK: 211-235.
Bernhofer, L. & Han, Z. (2014): Contextual factors and their effect on future entrepreneurs in China: A comparative study on entrepreneurial intentions. International Journal of Technology Management 65, 1/4, 125-150.
Prud’homme, D. (2014): Rethinking what international patenting data really says about Chinese innovation. Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice 9 (12), 986-992.
Prud’homme, D. (2014): FRAND and other requirements in China’s Announcement on Releasing (Provisional) Administrative Regulations of National Standards Involving Patents. Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice 9 (5), 346-349.
Misonne, B., Prud’homme, D. (2014): The key to EU-China IP cooperation. Journal of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China 18, 30-32.
Misonne, B., Prud’homme, D., 2014. Unlocking China. IP Pro The Internet (online).
Herstatt, C.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2014): Global Products from Innovation Labs in Developing Countries. Special Issue in the International Journal of Technology Management, Vol. 64, No. 2/3/4, 109-116.
Schweitzer, F., Gassmann, O., & Rau, C. (2014). Lessons from Ideation: Where Does User Involvement Lead Us?. Creativity and Innovation Management, 23(2), 155-167, DOI:10.1111/caim.12058.
Gassmann, O. (2014). The danger in missing the innovation moment: Companies fail to identify future opportunities because they do not have fresh business models. Financial Times(0), tbd-tbd.
Zeschky, M., Daiber, M., Widenmayer, B., & Gassmann, O. (2014). Coordination in global R&D organizations: an examination of the role of subsidiary mandate and modular product architectures in dispersed R&D organizations. Technovation, 0000(0000), xxxx, DOI:10.1016/j.technovation.2014.06.001.
Zeschky, M., Winterhalter, S., & Gassmann, O. (2014). From Cost to Frugal and Reverse Innovation: Mapping the Field and Implications for Global Competitiveness. Research Technology Management, 57(4), 1-8.
Palmié, M., Keupp, M. M., & Gassmann, O. (2014). Pull the Right Levers: Creating Internationally ‘Useful’ Subsidiary Competence by Organizational Architecture. Long Range Planning, 47(1-2), 32-48, DOI:10.1016/j.lrp.2013.10.007.
Frankenberger, K., Weiblen, T., & Gassmann, O. (2014). The antecedents of open business models: an exploratory study of incumbent firms. R&D Management, 44(2), 173-188, DOI:10.1111/radm.12040.
Zeschky, M., Widenmayer, B., & Gassmann, O. (2014). Organizing for reverse innovation in Western MNCs: the role of frugal product innovation capabilities. International Journal of Technology Management, 64(2-4), 255-275, DOI:10.1504/IJTM.2014.059948.
Corsi S., Di Minin A. (2014). Disruptive Innovation…in Reverse: Adding a Geographical Dimension to Disruptive Innovation Theory. Creativity and Innovation Management, Vol. 23 n. 1, pp. 76-90.
Benneworth, P. & Ratinho, T. (2014) Regional innovation culture in the social knowledge economy in R. Rutten, Benneworth, P., Boekema, F., Irawati, D. (eds) The social dynamics of innovation networks, London: Routledge.
Corsi S., Di Minin A., Piccaluga A. (2014). Reverse Innovation at Speres. A Case Study in China. Research-Technology Management, July-August, pp. 28-34.
Benneworth, P., & Ratinho, T. (2014). Reframing the role of knowledge parks and science cities in knowledge-based urban development. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 32(5), 784–808.
Spiegel, O., Abbassi, P., Zylka, M., Posegga, O., Fischbach, K., Schlagwein, S. and Schoder, D. (2014): “Getting Boundary Conditions Right: Towards a Classification of the Information Economy Sectors”. 2014 Academy of Management Annual Meeting (no proceedings).
Altun, K.; Dereli, T. (2014): Even easier multi-issue negotiation through Modified Even-Swaps considering practically dominated alternatives. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 76 307-317.
Greeven, M.J. (2014): Alibaba Group and Jack Ma, in: Fu Lai Tony Yu and Ho don Yan (eds): Handbook in East Asia Entrepreneurship, Chapter 33. Routledge Publisher, London.
Greeven, M.J., Van de Kaa (2014): Strategic alliances for innovation in China: institutional alliance capability? in: Das, T. (ed) Strategic alliances for Innovation and R&D, Information Age Publishing.
Greeven, M.J. (2014): Sources of Institutional Capability for Innovation in China’s Catching up Economy: An explorative study, in: Chen Jin and Latif Al-hakim (eds): Quality Innovation: Knowledge, Theory and Practices, IGI Global.
Greeven, M.J., Zhu, F. (2014) Green Zhejiang: Guanxi management in China’s social organizations. Zhejiang University, School of Management, Case Development Center. [in Chinese]
Wan, H.H., Quan, X. (2014): Towards a Framework of the Process of Open Innovation: Case of Acclarent in the Medical Device Industry. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management 11, 5.
Péréa, C., & Brion, S. (2014): IT Use and Dispersed New Product Development Project Performance: The Mediating Role of Coordination. In Rowe F. and Te'eni D.: Innovation and IT in an International Context. Palgrave Macmillan UK: 211-235.
Bernhofer, L. & Han, Z. (2014): Contextual factors and their effect on future entrepreneurs in China: A comparative study on entrepreneurial intentions. International Journal of Technology Management 65, 1/4, 125-150.
Prud’homme, D. (2014): Rethinking what international patenting data really says about Chinese innovation. Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice 9 (12), 986-992.
Prud’homme, D. (2014): FRAND and other requirements in China’s Announcement on Releasing (Provisional) Administrative Regulations of National Standards Involving Patents. Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice 9 (5), 346-349.
Misonne, B., Prud’homme, D. (2014): The key to EU-China IP cooperation. Journal of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China 18, 30-32.
Misonne, B., Prud’homme, D., 2014. Unlocking China. IP Pro The Internet (online).
Søberg, P.V. and Wæhrens, B.V. Forthcoming 2013a. The Dual Role of Subsidiary Autonomy in Intra-MNC Knowledge Transfer. In: The Offshoring Challenge: Strategic Design and Innovation for Tomorrow’s Organization. Torben Pedersen, Lydia Bals and Peter D. Ørberg Jensen (eds.). Copenhagen: Springer.
Søberg, P.V. and Wæhrens, B.V. Forthcoming 2013b. Integration of Manufacturing and Development in Emerging Markets. In: Global Operations Networks: Exploring New Perspectives and Agendas. John Johansen (ed.): Aalborg University Press.
von Zedtwitz, M.; Friesike, S.; Gassmann, O. (2013): Managing R&D and New Product Development. In: Dodgson, M.; Gann, D.; Philips, N. (eds.): The Oxford Handbook on Innovation Management. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 530-547.
Vanhaverbeke, W.; Du, J.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2013): Managing Open Innovation in Multinational Enterprises: Combining Open Innovation and R&D Globalization Literature. In: Tidd, J. (ed): Open Innovation Research, Management and Practice. London: Imperial College Press, 213-233.
Keupp, M. M., & Gassmann, O. (2013). Resource constraints as triggers of radical innovation: Longitudinal evidence from the manufacturing sector. Research Policy, 42(8), 1457-1468, DOI:10.1016/j.respol.2013.04.006.
Frankenberger, K., Weiblen, T., & Gassmann, O. (2013). Network configuration, customer centricity, and performance of open business models: A solution provider perspective. Industrial Marketing Management, 42(5), 671-682, DOI:10.1016/j.indmarman.2013.05.004.
Gassmann, O. (2013). Keine halben Sachen!. Harvard Business Manager, 2013(2), 32-33.
Ratinho, T., Harms, R., & Groen, A. (2013). Business support within business incubators. In: New Technology-Based Firms in the New Millennium.
Gassmann, O., Bader, M. A., Rüther, F., & Ziegler, N. (2013). Creating value through external intellectual property commercialization: a desorptive capacity view. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 38(1), *-*, DOI:DOI 10.1007/s10961-013-9305-z.
Ratinho, T. (2013). Technology Management: Activities and Tools, D. Cetindamar, R. Phaal, D. Probert. Palgrave Macmillan New York, NY (2010). (274 pages), Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 81, p. 403-404.
Ratinho, T. (2013). Indispensable — When Leaders Really Matter, G. Mukunda, Harvard Business Review Press, Boston, MA, (2012), 301 pp., Scandinavian Journal of Management, 29(3), p. 325-326
Frankenberger, K., Weiblen, T., Csik, M., & Gassmann, O. (2013). The 4I-framework of business model innovation: A structured view on process phases and challenges. International Journal of Product Development, 18(3/4), 249-273, DOI:10.1504/IJPD.2013.055012.
Spiegel, O., Abbassi, P., Zylka, M., Schlagwein, S., Fischbach, K., and Schoder, D. (2013): The Impact of Structural Embeddedness on Funding Success of Early Stage Web Startups. DiBME 2013 (no proceedings).
Abbassi, P., Kaul, M., Mohan, V. Shen, Y., and Winkelman, Z. (2013): Securing the Net: Global Governance in the Digital Domain. GGFutures, September 2013.
Abbassi, P. (2013): A Chain is Just as Strong as its Weakest Link – A Call for Better Education in Cyber Security. Global Policy, 12th June 2013.
Spiegel, O., Abbassi, P., Schlagwein, S., Fischbach, K. (2013): Going It All Alone In Web Entrepreneurship? A Comparison of Single Founders vs. Co-Founders. Proceedings of the 2013 ACM Conference on Computers and People Research.
Dereli, T.; Altun, K. (2013): Technology evaluation through the use interval type-2 fuzzy sets and systems. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 65 (4) 624-633.
Altun, K.; Dereli, T.; Baykasoglu, A. (2013): Development of a framework for customer co-creation in NPD through multi-issue negotiation with issue trade-offs. Expert Systems with Applications, 40 (3) 873-880.
Dereli, T.; Altun, K. (2013): A novel approach for assessment of candidate technologies with respect to their innovation potentials: Quick innovation intelligence process. Expert Systems with Applications, 40 (3) 881-891.
Greeven, M.J., Van der Kaa, Van Puijenbroek (2013): Standards battles in China: opening up the black box of the Chinese government. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management 25, 5, 567-581.
Chen, L., Greeven, M.J., Wang H., Cheng, S.X. (2013): Who is the Global Zhejiang Entrepreneur? in: Xiaobo Wu, Chen Ling (eds): Development Report of Global Zhejiang Entrepreneur: Transformation and Upgrading, Zhejiang University Press: Global Zhejiang Entrepreneur Studies [Chinese].
Greeven, M.J., Van der Kaa (2013): Towards understanding the business environment for innovation in China: A research note. International Journal of Business Environment, 5, 4, 366-378.
Greeven, M.J., Yang, S.Y., Yue, T. (2013): Internationalization Strategy of Chinese Private Enterprises in Europe. European Case Clearing House (ECCH), 312-284-1; 312-283-1; 312-285-1 (series of 3 cases) Highly Commended Case of EFMD Case Writing Competition, Emerging Chinese Global Competitors.
Zhuo, J., Greeven, M.J. (2013): YC Company: Decreasing profit margin in overseas market. Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, EEMCS-12-2012-0214.
Mothe, C., Brion, S. & Péréa, C. (2013): La contribution des TIC et du présentiel à l’efficacité de la coordination des équipes projets de NPD distribuées. Systèmes d’information & management, 18(4), 43–75.
Søberg, P.V. and Wæhrens, B.V. Forthcoming 2013b. Integration of Manufacturing and Development in Emerging Markets. In: Global Operations Networks: Exploring New Perspectives and Agendas. John Johansen (ed.): Aalborg University Press.
von Zedtwitz, M.; Friesike, S.; Gassmann, O. (2013): Managing R&D and New Product Development. In: Dodgson, M.; Gann, D.; Philips, N. (eds.): The Oxford Handbook on Innovation Management. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 530-547.
Vanhaverbeke, W.; Du, J.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2013): Managing Open Innovation in Multinational Enterprises: Combining Open Innovation and R&D Globalization Literature. In: Tidd, J. (ed): Open Innovation Research, Management and Practice. London: Imperial College Press, 213-233.
Keupp, M. M., & Gassmann, O. (2013). Resource constraints as triggers of radical innovation: Longitudinal evidence from the manufacturing sector. Research Policy, 42(8), 1457-1468, DOI:10.1016/j.respol.2013.04.006.
Frankenberger, K., Weiblen, T., & Gassmann, O. (2013). Network configuration, customer centricity, and performance of open business models: A solution provider perspective. Industrial Marketing Management, 42(5), 671-682, DOI:10.1016/j.indmarman.2013.05.004.
Gassmann, O. (2013). Keine halben Sachen!. Harvard Business Manager, 2013(2), 32-33.
Ratinho, T., Harms, R., & Groen, A. (2013). Business support within business incubators. In: New Technology-Based Firms in the New Millennium.
Gassmann, O., Bader, M. A., Rüther, F., & Ziegler, N. (2013). Creating value through external intellectual property commercialization: a desorptive capacity view. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 38(1), *-*, DOI:DOI 10.1007/s10961-013-9305-z.
Ratinho, T. (2013). Technology Management: Activities and Tools, D. Cetindamar, R. Phaal, D. Probert. Palgrave Macmillan New York, NY (2010). (274 pages), Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 81, p. 403-404.
Ratinho, T. (2013). Indispensable — When Leaders Really Matter, G. Mukunda, Harvard Business Review Press, Boston, MA, (2012), 301 pp., Scandinavian Journal of Management, 29(3), p. 325-326
Frankenberger, K., Weiblen, T., Csik, M., & Gassmann, O. (2013). The 4I-framework of business model innovation: A structured view on process phases and challenges. International Journal of Product Development, 18(3/4), 249-273, DOI:10.1504/IJPD.2013.055012.
Spiegel, O., Abbassi, P., Zylka, M., Schlagwein, S., Fischbach, K., and Schoder, D. (2013): The Impact of Structural Embeddedness on Funding Success of Early Stage Web Startups. DiBME 2013 (no proceedings).
Abbassi, P., Kaul, M., Mohan, V. Shen, Y., and Winkelman, Z. (2013): Securing the Net: Global Governance in the Digital Domain. GGFutures, September 2013.
Abbassi, P. (2013): A Chain is Just as Strong as its Weakest Link – A Call for Better Education in Cyber Security. Global Policy, 12th June 2013.
Spiegel, O., Abbassi, P., Schlagwein, S., Fischbach, K. (2013): Going It All Alone In Web Entrepreneurship? A Comparison of Single Founders vs. Co-Founders. Proceedings of the 2013 ACM Conference on Computers and People Research.
Dereli, T.; Altun, K. (2013): Technology evaluation through the use interval type-2 fuzzy sets and systems. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 65 (4) 624-633.
Altun, K.; Dereli, T.; Baykasoglu, A. (2013): Development of a framework for customer co-creation in NPD through multi-issue negotiation with issue trade-offs. Expert Systems with Applications, 40 (3) 873-880.
Dereli, T.; Altun, K. (2013): A novel approach for assessment of candidate technologies with respect to their innovation potentials: Quick innovation intelligence process. Expert Systems with Applications, 40 (3) 881-891.
Greeven, M.J., Van der Kaa, Van Puijenbroek (2013): Standards battles in China: opening up the black box of the Chinese government. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management 25, 5, 567-581.
Chen, L., Greeven, M.J., Wang H., Cheng, S.X. (2013): Who is the Global Zhejiang Entrepreneur? in: Xiaobo Wu, Chen Ling (eds): Development Report of Global Zhejiang Entrepreneur: Transformation and Upgrading, Zhejiang University Press: Global Zhejiang Entrepreneur Studies [Chinese].
Greeven, M.J., Van der Kaa (2013): Towards understanding the business environment for innovation in China: A research note. International Journal of Business Environment, 5, 4, 366-378.
Greeven, M.J., Yang, S.Y., Yue, T. (2013): Internationalization Strategy of Chinese Private Enterprises in Europe. European Case Clearing House (ECCH), 312-284-1; 312-283-1; 312-285-1 (series of 3 cases) Highly Commended Case of EFMD Case Writing Competition, Emerging Chinese Global Competitors.
Zhuo, J., Greeven, M.J. (2013): YC Company: Decreasing profit margin in overseas market. Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, EEMCS-12-2012-0214.
Mothe, C., Brion, S. & Péréa, C. (2013): La contribution des TIC et du présentiel à l’efficacité de la coordination des équipes projets de NPD distribuées. Systèmes d’information & management, 18(4), 43–75.
Gassmann, O., Csik, M., & Frankenberger, K. (2012). Aus alt mach neu: Ein Fahrplan für Innovationen. Harvard Business Manager, 34(06/2012), 18-19.
Bruneel, J., Ratinho, T., Clarysse, B., & Groen, A. (2012). The Evolution of Business Incubators: Comparing demand and supply of business incubation services across different incubator generations. Technovation, 32(2), 110–121.
Schweitzer, F., Buchinger, W., Obrist, M., & Gassmann, O. (2012). Crowdsourcing: Leveraging Innovation through Online Idea Competitions. Research-Technology Management, 55(3), 32-38.
Søberg, P.V. and Waehrens, B.V. 2012. Co-Location versus Disintegration of Manufacturing and R&D in Emerging Markets. Innovation and Entrepreneurial Management 7(1): 26-35.
Bader, M. A., Gassmann, O., Ziegler, N., & Rüther, F. (2012). Getting the most out of your IP – patent management along its life cycle. Drug Discovery Today, 17(7/8), 281-284.
Gassmann, O., Widenmayer, B., & Zeschky, M. (2012). Implementing radical innovation in the business: the role of transition modes in large firms. R&D Management, 42(2), 120-132.
Gassmann, O., Ziegler, N., Rüther, F., & Bader, M. A. (2012). The role of IT for managing intellectual property - An empirical analysis. World Patent Information, 34(3), 216-223.
Keupp, M. M., Palmié, M., & Gassmann, O. (2012). The Strategic Management of Innovation: A Systematic Review and Paths for Future Research. International Journal of Management Reviews, 14(04/2012), 367-390.
Bucherer, E., Eisert, U., & Gassmann, O. (2012). Towards Systematic Business Model Innovation: Lessons from Product Innovation Management. Creativity and Innovation Management, 21(02/2012), 183-198.
Keupp, M.; Friesike, S.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2012): How Do Foreign Firms Patent in Emerging Economies with Weak Appropriability Regimes? Archetypes and Motives. Research Policy, Vol. 41, No. 8, 1422-1439.
Zhu, A.; Assimakopoulos, D.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2012): How Leading Firms Manage Product Safety in NPD? In: Assimakopoulos, D.; Carayannis, E.; Dossani, R. (eds.): Knowledge Perspectives of New Product Development. Berlin: Springer, 287-306.
Dereli, T.; Altun, K. (2012): Modified Even-Swaps: A novel, clear, rational and easy-to-use mechanism for multi-issue negotiation. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 63 (4) 1013-1029.
Dereli, T.: Altun, K.: Gölec, A. (2012): Durmusoglu, A., Improvement of manufacturing productivity and responsiveness through integrated process planning and authorizing. Technical Gazette / Technicki Vjesnik, 19 (4) 871-884.
Gong, L., Shu, G., Greeven, M.J. (2012): Does one size fit all? The governance mode and strategic position of cluster innovation platforms. International Journal of Services Technology and Management 18, 3/4, 2012.
Greeven, M.J., Yang, S.Y., Yue, T., Van Heck, E., Krug, B. (2012): How Taobao bested eBay in China. Financial Times, March 12th.
Greeven, M.J., Akemu, A.O.P., Hoorn, T. van & Kleijn, M. (2012): Chinese Investering Versterken het Nederlandse Innovatiesysteem. (nieuwsbrief). Den Haag: Adviesraad voor het Wetenschaps- en Technologiebeleid (Dutch Advisory Council for Science and Technology Policy)
Bruneel, J., Ratinho, T., Clarysse, B., & Groen, A. (2012). The Evolution of Business Incubators: Comparing demand and supply of business incubation services across different incubator generations. Technovation, 32(2), 110–121.
Schweitzer, F., Buchinger, W., Obrist, M., & Gassmann, O. (2012). Crowdsourcing: Leveraging Innovation through Online Idea Competitions. Research-Technology Management, 55(3), 32-38.
Søberg, P.V. and Waehrens, B.V. 2012. Co-Location versus Disintegration of Manufacturing and R&D in Emerging Markets. Innovation and Entrepreneurial Management 7(1): 26-35.
Bader, M. A., Gassmann, O., Ziegler, N., & Rüther, F. (2012). Getting the most out of your IP – patent management along its life cycle. Drug Discovery Today, 17(7/8), 281-284.
Gassmann, O., Widenmayer, B., & Zeschky, M. (2012). Implementing radical innovation in the business: the role of transition modes in large firms. R&D Management, 42(2), 120-132.
Gassmann, O., Ziegler, N., Rüther, F., & Bader, M. A. (2012). The role of IT for managing intellectual property - An empirical analysis. World Patent Information, 34(3), 216-223.
Keupp, M. M., Palmié, M., & Gassmann, O. (2012). The Strategic Management of Innovation: A Systematic Review and Paths for Future Research. International Journal of Management Reviews, 14(04/2012), 367-390.
Bucherer, E., Eisert, U., & Gassmann, O. (2012). Towards Systematic Business Model Innovation: Lessons from Product Innovation Management. Creativity and Innovation Management, 21(02/2012), 183-198.
Keupp, M.; Friesike, S.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2012): How Do Foreign Firms Patent in Emerging Economies with Weak Appropriability Regimes? Archetypes and Motives. Research Policy, Vol. 41, No. 8, 1422-1439.
Zhu, A.; Assimakopoulos, D.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2012): How Leading Firms Manage Product Safety in NPD? In: Assimakopoulos, D.; Carayannis, E.; Dossani, R. (eds.): Knowledge Perspectives of New Product Development. Berlin: Springer, 287-306.
Dereli, T.; Altun, K. (2012): Modified Even-Swaps: A novel, clear, rational and easy-to-use mechanism for multi-issue negotiation. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 63 (4) 1013-1029.
Dereli, T.: Altun, K.: Gölec, A. (2012): Durmusoglu, A., Improvement of manufacturing productivity and responsiveness through integrated process planning and authorizing. Technical Gazette / Technicki Vjesnik, 19 (4) 871-884.
Gong, L., Shu, G., Greeven, M.J. (2012): Does one size fit all? The governance mode and strategic position of cluster innovation platforms. International Journal of Services Technology and Management 18, 3/4, 2012.
Greeven, M.J., Yang, S.Y., Yue, T., Van Heck, E., Krug, B. (2012): How Taobao bested eBay in China. Financial Times, March 12th.
Greeven, M.J., Akemu, A.O.P., Hoorn, T. van & Kleijn, M. (2012): Chinese Investering Versterken het Nederlandse Innovatiesysteem. (nieuwsbrief). Den Haag: Adviesraad voor het Wetenschaps- en Technologiebeleid (Dutch Advisory Council for Science and Technology Policy)
Keupp, M. M., & Gassmann, O. (2011). How do foreign R&D units in China manage their Chinese R&D staff? An empirical exploration. International Journal of Technology Management, 56(1), 73-91.
Dörner, N., Morhart, F., Gassmann, O., & Tomczak, T. (2011). Inter-institutional collaboration for new integrative teaching programs. On the Horizon, 19(3), 217-225.
Schweitzer, F., Gassmann, O., & Gaubinger, K. (2011). Open innovation and its effectiveness to embrace turbulent enviroments. International Journal of Innovation Management, 15(6), 1191-1207.
Reepmeyer, G., Gassmann, O., & Rüther, F. (2011). Out-Licensing in Markets with Asymmetric Information: The Case of the Pharmaceutical Industry. International Journal of Innovation Management, 15(4), 755-795.
Dörner, N., Gassmann, O., & Gebauer, H. (2011). Service innovation: why is it so difficult to accomplish?. Journal of Business Strategy, 32(3), 37-46.
Ratinho, T. (2011) “Are They Helping? An Examination of Business Incubators’ Impact on Tenant Firms”. Doctoral Thesis. University of Twente, The Netherlands. ISBN 978-90-365-3263-1
Gassmann, O., Daiber, M., & Enkel, E. (2011). The role of intermediaries in cross-industry innovation processes. R&D Management, 41(5), 457-469.
Keupp, M. M., Palmié, M., & Gassmann, O. (2011). The strategic management of innovation: A systematic review and paths for future research. International Journal of Management Reviews (13), 2-24.
Hitt, M. A., & Ratinho, T. (2011). The multifaceted effects of institutions on firm strategies and entrepreneurial actions [abstract]. In K. McCarthy, M. Fiolet & W. Dolfsma (Eds.), The Nature of the New Firm: Beyond the Boundaries of Organisations and Institutions: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Keupp, M. M., Palmié, M., & Gassmann, O. (2011). Achieving Subsidiary Integration in International Innovation by Managerial “Tools”. Management International Review, 51(2), 213-239.
Zeschky, M., Widenmayer, B., & Gassmann, O. (2011). Frugal Innovation in Emerging Markets. Research Technology Management, 54(4), 38-45.
von Zedtwitz, M. (2011): Managing R&D in China. In Albers, S.; Gassmann, O.: Handbuch Technologie- und Innovationsmanagement. Wiesbaden: Gabler: 593-610.
von Zedtwitz, M. (2011): World to gain from an innovative China. The Singapore Business Times, 11 July 2011, 18.
Spiegel, O., Abbassi, P., Fischbach, K., Putzke, J., and Schoder, D. (2011): Social Capital in the ICT Sector – A Network Perspective on Executive Turnover and Startup Performance (December 6, 2011). ICIS 2011 Proceedings. Paper 6.
Dereli, T.; Baykasoglu, A.; Altun, K.; Durmusoglu, A.; Türksen, I.B. (2011): Industrial applications of type-2 fuzzy sets and systems: A concise review. Computers in Industry, 62 (2) 125-137.
Péréa, C., Brion, S, & Mothe, C. (2011): The Impact of Team Virtuality and Task Complexity on NPD Coordination Modes. Proceedings of the 44th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
Dörner, N., Morhart, F., Gassmann, O., & Tomczak, T. (2011). Inter-institutional collaboration for new integrative teaching programs. On the Horizon, 19(3), 217-225.
Schweitzer, F., Gassmann, O., & Gaubinger, K. (2011). Open innovation and its effectiveness to embrace turbulent enviroments. International Journal of Innovation Management, 15(6), 1191-1207.
Reepmeyer, G., Gassmann, O., & Rüther, F. (2011). Out-Licensing in Markets with Asymmetric Information: The Case of the Pharmaceutical Industry. International Journal of Innovation Management, 15(4), 755-795.
Dörner, N., Gassmann, O., & Gebauer, H. (2011). Service innovation: why is it so difficult to accomplish?. Journal of Business Strategy, 32(3), 37-46.
Ratinho, T. (2011) “Are They Helping? An Examination of Business Incubators’ Impact on Tenant Firms”. Doctoral Thesis. University of Twente, The Netherlands. ISBN 978-90-365-3263-1
Gassmann, O., Daiber, M., & Enkel, E. (2011). The role of intermediaries in cross-industry innovation processes. R&D Management, 41(5), 457-469.
Keupp, M. M., Palmié, M., & Gassmann, O. (2011). The strategic management of innovation: A systematic review and paths for future research. International Journal of Management Reviews (13), 2-24.
Hitt, M. A., & Ratinho, T. (2011). The multifaceted effects of institutions on firm strategies and entrepreneurial actions [abstract]. In K. McCarthy, M. Fiolet & W. Dolfsma (Eds.), The Nature of the New Firm: Beyond the Boundaries of Organisations and Institutions: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Keupp, M. M., Palmié, M., & Gassmann, O. (2011). Achieving Subsidiary Integration in International Innovation by Managerial “Tools”. Management International Review, 51(2), 213-239.
Zeschky, M., Widenmayer, B., & Gassmann, O. (2011). Frugal Innovation in Emerging Markets. Research Technology Management, 54(4), 38-45.
von Zedtwitz, M. (2011): Managing R&D in China. In Albers, S.; Gassmann, O.: Handbuch Technologie- und Innovationsmanagement. Wiesbaden: Gabler: 593-610.
von Zedtwitz, M. (2011): World to gain from an innovative China. The Singapore Business Times, 11 July 2011, 18.
Spiegel, O., Abbassi, P., Fischbach, K., Putzke, J., and Schoder, D. (2011): Social Capital in the ICT Sector – A Network Perspective on Executive Turnover and Startup Performance (December 6, 2011). ICIS 2011 Proceedings. Paper 6.
Dereli, T.; Baykasoglu, A.; Altun, K.; Durmusoglu, A.; Türksen, I.B. (2011): Industrial applications of type-2 fuzzy sets and systems: A concise review. Computers in Industry, 62 (2) 125-137.
Péréa, C., Brion, S, & Mothe, C. (2011): The Impact of Team Virtuality and Task Complexity on NPD Coordination Modes. Proceedings of the 44th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
van de Vrande, V., Vanhaverbeke, W., & Gassmann, O. (2010). Broadening the scope of open innovation: past research, current state and future directions. International Journal of Technology Management, 52(3/4), 221-235.
Gassmann, O., Zeschky, M., Wolff, T., & Stahl, M. (2010). Crossing the Industry-Line: Breakthrough Innovation through Cross-Industry Alliances with 'Non-Suppliers'. Long Range Planning, 43(5-6), 639-654.
Ratinho, T., & Henriques, E. (2010). The role of science parks and business incubators in converging countries: Evidence from Portugal. Technovation, 30(4), 278–290.
Gassmann, O., & Meister, C. (2010). Emotional Emphatic Event: Wie der Kunde der Zukunft in die Köpfe der F&E Mitarbeiter gelangt. Innovation Management (1), 82-85.
Gassmann, O., & Widenmayer, B. (2010). Open Innovation: Vom Schlagwort zum praktischen Tool. Technische Rundschau (2), 56-57.
Ratinho, T., Harms, R., & Groen, A. (2010). Towards a distinction between technology incubators and non-technology incubators: can they contribute to economic growth? In M. Fink & I. Hatak (Eds.), Current research on entrepreneurship and SME management: European Council of Small Business and Entrepreneurship.
Gassmann, O., Enkel, E., & Chesbrough, H. (2010). The future of open innovation. R&D Management, 40(3), 213-221.
Enkel, E.; Gassmann, O. (2010): Creative imitation: exploring the case of cross-industry innovation. R&D Management, Vol 40, No. 3, 256-270.
Ester, R.M.; Assimakopoulos, D.; von Zedtwitz, M.; Yu, X.B. (2010): Global R&D organization and the development of dynamic capabilities: Literature review and case study of a Chinese high-tech firm. Journal of Knowledge-Based Innovation in China, Vol. 2, No. 1, 25-45.
Gassmann, O.; Enkel, E.; Chesbrough, H. (2010): The future open innovation. R&D Management, Vol 40, No. 3, 213-221.
Grimaldi, R.; Mattarelli, E.; Prencipe, A.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2010): Offshoring of Intangibles: Organizational and Strategic Issues. Industry & Innovation, Vol. 17, No. 4, 331-336.
Grimaldi, R.; Mattarelli, E.; Prencipe, A.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2010): Offshoring of Intangibles and the Organization of Global Innovation. Special Issue in Industry & Innovation, Vol. 17, No. 4.
Keupp M.M.; Beckenbauer A.; Gassmann, O. (2010): Enforcing intellectual property rights in weak appropriability regimes: the case of de facto protection strategies in China. Management International Review, Vol. 50,No. 1, 128-159.
Gassmann, O.; Kausch, C., Enkel, E. (2010): Negative Side Effects of Customer Integration. International Journal of Technology Management, Vol 50, No. 1, 43-62.
Sandmeier, P.; Morrison, P.D.; Gassmann, O. (2010): Integrating customers in product innovation: Lessons from industrial development contractors and in-house contractors in rapidly changing customer markets. Creativity and Innovation Management, Vol 19, No. 2, 89-106.
Xie, W.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2010): Main Characteristics of World-first Innovation in Catching-up Countries. Journal of Technology Management in China, Vol. 5, No. 2, 108-121.
Gassmann, O., Zeschky, M., Wolff, T., & Stahl, M. (2010). Crossing the Industry-Line: Breakthrough Innovation through Cross-Industry Alliances with 'Non-Suppliers'. Long Range Planning, 43(5-6), 639-654.
Ratinho, T., & Henriques, E. (2010). The role of science parks and business incubators in converging countries: Evidence from Portugal. Technovation, 30(4), 278–290.
Gassmann, O., & Meister, C. (2010). Emotional Emphatic Event: Wie der Kunde der Zukunft in die Köpfe der F&E Mitarbeiter gelangt. Innovation Management (1), 82-85.
Gassmann, O., & Widenmayer, B. (2010). Open Innovation: Vom Schlagwort zum praktischen Tool. Technische Rundschau (2), 56-57.
Ratinho, T., Harms, R., & Groen, A. (2010). Towards a distinction between technology incubators and non-technology incubators: can they contribute to economic growth? In M. Fink & I. Hatak (Eds.), Current research on entrepreneurship and SME management: European Council of Small Business and Entrepreneurship.
Gassmann, O., Enkel, E., & Chesbrough, H. (2010). The future of open innovation. R&D Management, 40(3), 213-221.
Enkel, E.; Gassmann, O. (2010): Creative imitation: exploring the case of cross-industry innovation. R&D Management, Vol 40, No. 3, 256-270.
Ester, R.M.; Assimakopoulos, D.; von Zedtwitz, M.; Yu, X.B. (2010): Global R&D organization and the development of dynamic capabilities: Literature review and case study of a Chinese high-tech firm. Journal of Knowledge-Based Innovation in China, Vol. 2, No. 1, 25-45.
Gassmann, O.; Enkel, E.; Chesbrough, H. (2010): The future open innovation. R&D Management, Vol 40, No. 3, 213-221.
Grimaldi, R.; Mattarelli, E.; Prencipe, A.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2010): Offshoring of Intangibles: Organizational and Strategic Issues. Industry & Innovation, Vol. 17, No. 4, 331-336.
Grimaldi, R.; Mattarelli, E.; Prencipe, A.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2010): Offshoring of Intangibles and the Organization of Global Innovation. Special Issue in Industry & Innovation, Vol. 17, No. 4.
Keupp M.M.; Beckenbauer A.; Gassmann, O. (2010): Enforcing intellectual property rights in weak appropriability regimes: the case of de facto protection strategies in China. Management International Review, Vol. 50,No. 1, 128-159.
Gassmann, O.; Kausch, C., Enkel, E. (2010): Negative Side Effects of Customer Integration. International Journal of Technology Management, Vol 50, No. 1, 43-62.
Sandmeier, P.; Morrison, P.D.; Gassmann, O. (2010): Integrating customers in product innovation: Lessons from industrial development contractors and in-house contractors in rapidly changing customer markets. Creativity and Innovation Management, Vol 19, No. 2, 89-106.
Xie, W.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2010): Main Characteristics of World-first Innovation in Catching-up Countries. Journal of Technology Management in China, Vol. 5, No. 2, 108-121.
Enkel, E.; Gassmann, O.; Chesbrough, H. (2009): Open R&D and open innovation: exploring the phenomenon. R&D Management, Vol 39, No. 4, 311-316.
Keupp M.M.; Gassmann, O. (2009): Determinants and archetype users of open innovation. R&D Management, 39, 4, 331-341.
Keupp M.M.; Gassmann, O. (2009): The past and the future of international entrepreneurship: A review and suggestions for developing the field. Journal of Management, Annual Review Issue 2009, S. 28.
Keupp M.M.; Beckenbauer A.; Gassmann, O. (2009): How managers protect intellectual property rights in China using de facto strategies. R&D Management, Vol. 39, 2009, No. 2, 211-224.
Keupp M.M.; Gassmann, O. (2009): The power of the periphery: Why do transnational approaches to international innovation fail? Research in International Business and Finance, No. 23, 206-221.
Keupp M.M.; Gassmann, O. (2009): International Innovation and Strategic Initiatives: A Research Agenda. Research in International Business and Finance, No. 23, 193-205.
Gassmann, O.; Rumsch, W.; Rütsche, E.; Bader, M. (2009): R&D Reputation and Corporate Brand Value. Research Technology Management,Vol 4, No. 52, 16-19.
Keupp M.M.; Gassmann, O. (2009): Determinants and archetype users of open innovation. R&D Management, 39, 4, 331-341.
Keupp M.M.; Gassmann, O. (2009): The past and the future of international entrepreneurship: A review and suggestions for developing the field. Journal of Management, Annual Review Issue 2009, S. 28.
Keupp M.M.; Beckenbauer A.; Gassmann, O. (2009): How managers protect intellectual property rights in China using de facto strategies. R&D Management, Vol. 39, 2009, No. 2, 211-224.
Keupp M.M.; Gassmann, O. (2009): The power of the periphery: Why do transnational approaches to international innovation fail? Research in International Business and Finance, No. 23, 206-221.
Keupp M.M.; Gassmann, O. (2009): International Innovation and Strategic Initiatives: A Research Agenda. Research in International Business and Finance, No. 23, 193-205.
Gassmann, O.; Rumsch, W.; Rütsche, E.; Bader, M. (2009): R&D Reputation and Corporate Brand Value. Research Technology Management,Vol 4, No. 52, 16-19.
Festel, G.; Kreimeyer, A.; Oels, U.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2008, Editors): The Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry in China – Challenges and Threats for Foreign Companies. 2nd ed, Springer: Heidelberg.
Gassmann, O.; Zeschky M. (2008): Opening up the Solution Space: The Role of Analogical Thinking for Breakthrough Product Innovation. Creativity and Innovation Management, Vol. 17, No. 2, 97-106.
Gassmann, O.; Keupp M.M. (2008): The Internationalisation of Western firms`s R&D in China. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Vol 6, No. 4, 536-561.
Harryson, S.; Kliknaite, S.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2008): How Technology-Based University Research Drives Innovation in Europe and China – Leveraging the Power of Proximity. Journal of Technology Management in China, Vol. 3, 1, 12-46.
Jin, J.; von Zedtwitz, M.; (2008): Technological Capability Development in China’s Mobile Phone Industry. Technovation, 28, 327-334.
von Zedtwitz, M.; Gassmann, O.; Birkinshaw, J. (2008, Editors): Management of International Research and Development. Edgar Elgar: Cheltenham.
Sun, Y.; von Zedtwitz, M.; Simon, D. (2008, Editors): Global R&D and China. Routledge: Oxford.
von Zedtwitz, M. (2008): The Chinese: New Contenders in Multinational R&D? In: Squicciarini, M; Loikkanen, T. (Editors, 2008): Going Global – The Challenge for Knowledge-based Economies. Helsinki: Edita: 144-151.
von Zedtwitz, M. (2008): R&D of foreign multinationals in China. In: Sun, Y.; von Zedtwitz, M.; Simon, D. (Editors, 2008): Global R&D and China. Oxford: Routledge, 1-9.
von Zedtwitz, M. (2008): Huawei: Globalization through Innovation. In: Boutellier, R.; Gassmann, O.; von Zedtwitz, M. (Editors): Managing Global Innovation. 3rd edition. Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 507-522.
Gassmann, O.; Zeschky M. (2008): Opening up the Solution Space: The Role of Analogical Thinking for Breakthrough Product Innovation. Creativity and Innovation Management, Vol. 17, No. 2, 97-106.
Gassmann, O.; Keupp M.M. (2008): The Internationalisation of Western firms`s R&D in China. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Vol 6, No. 4, 536-561.
Harryson, S.; Kliknaite, S.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2008): How Technology-Based University Research Drives Innovation in Europe and China – Leveraging the Power of Proximity. Journal of Technology Management in China, Vol. 3, 1, 12-46.
Jin, J.; von Zedtwitz, M.; (2008): Technological Capability Development in China’s Mobile Phone Industry. Technovation, 28, 327-334.
von Zedtwitz, M.; Gassmann, O.; Birkinshaw, J. (2008, Editors): Management of International Research and Development. Edgar Elgar: Cheltenham.
Sun, Y.; von Zedtwitz, M.; Simon, D. (2008, Editors): Global R&D and China. Routledge: Oxford.
von Zedtwitz, M. (2008): The Chinese: New Contenders in Multinational R&D? In: Squicciarini, M; Loikkanen, T. (Editors, 2008): Going Global – The Challenge for Knowledge-based Economies. Helsinki: Edita: 144-151.
von Zedtwitz, M. (2008): R&D of foreign multinationals in China. In: Sun, Y.; von Zedtwitz, M.; Simon, D. (Editors, 2008): Global R&D and China. Oxford: Routledge, 1-9.
von Zedtwitz, M. (2008): Huawei: Globalization through Innovation. In: Boutellier, R.; Gassmann, O.; von Zedtwitz, M. (Editors): Managing Global Innovation. 3rd edition. Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 507-522.
Gebauer, H.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2007): Differences in orientation between Western European and Chinese service organizations. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Vol. 19, No. 4, 363-379.
Gassmann, O.; Keupp M.M. (2007): The competitive advantage of early and rapidly internationalising SMEs in the biotechnology industry: A knowledge based view. Journal of World Business, Special Issue: The Early and Rapid Internationalisation of the Firm, Vol. 42, No. 3, 350-366.
Gassmann, O.; Keupp M.M. (2007): The Internationalisation of R&D in Swiss and German Born Globals: Survey and Case Study Evidence. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Special Issue: Vol 4, No. 3, 214-233.
Herrmann, A.; Gassmann, O.; Eisert, U. (2007): An empirical study of the antecedents for radical product innovations and capabilities for transformation. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, Vol. 24, Issue 1-2, 92-120.
von Zedtwitz, M. (2007): Introducing an Agenda for Future Research Exploration. In: von Zedtwitz, M.; Bok, D.K.; Chung, S. (Editors, 2007): R&D Interplay in Northeast Asia. SERI: Seoul, pp. 7-17.
Sun, Y.; von Zedtwitz, M.; Simon, D (2007, Editors): Global R&D and China. Special Issue for Asia Pacific Business Review.
Sun, Y.; von Zedtwitz, M.; Simon, D. (2007): Globalization of R&D and China: An Introduction. Asia Pacific Business Review, Vol. 13, 3, 311-319.
von Zedtwitz, M.; Bok, D.K.; Chung, S. (2007, Editors): R&D Interplay in Northeast Asia. SERI: Seoul.
von Zedtwitz, M.; Ikeda, T.; Gong, L.; Carpenter, R.; Hämäläinen, S. (2007): Managing Foreign R&D in China. Research Technology Management, Vol. 50, No. 3, 19-27.
von Zedtwitz, M.; Gassmann, O.; Reepmeyer, G. (2007): 5章スイスの医薬品産業 (5 sho suisu no iyakuhin sangyo; Chapter 5 – Pharmaceutical Industry in Switzerland). In: Yoshimori, M. (Ed.): 世界の医薬品産業 (Sekai no iyakuhin sangyo; The Worldwide Pharmaceutical Industry). Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, xx-yy.
von Zedtwitz, M.; Jin, J. (2007): Process of Technological Capability Development: Cases from China’s Mobile Phone Industry. In: Sherif, M.H.; Khalil, T. (Editors): Management of Technology: New Directions in Technology Management. Pergamon: Oxford, 311-326.
von Zedtwitz, M. (2007): High-Tech Industries in China—Book Review. R&D Management, Vol. 37, No. 4, 384-385.
Gassmann, O.; Keupp M.M. (2007): The competitive advantage of early and rapidly internationalising SMEs in the biotechnology industry: A knowledge based view. Journal of World Business, Special Issue: The Early and Rapid Internationalisation of the Firm, Vol. 42, No. 3, 350-366.
Gassmann, O.; Keupp M.M. (2007): The Internationalisation of R&D in Swiss and German Born Globals: Survey and Case Study Evidence. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Special Issue: Vol 4, No. 3, 214-233.
Herrmann, A.; Gassmann, O.; Eisert, U. (2007): An empirical study of the antecedents for radical product innovations and capabilities for transformation. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, Vol. 24, Issue 1-2, 92-120.
von Zedtwitz, M. (2007): Introducing an Agenda for Future Research Exploration. In: von Zedtwitz, M.; Bok, D.K.; Chung, S. (Editors, 2007): R&D Interplay in Northeast Asia. SERI: Seoul, pp. 7-17.
Sun, Y.; von Zedtwitz, M.; Simon, D (2007, Editors): Global R&D and China. Special Issue for Asia Pacific Business Review.
Sun, Y.; von Zedtwitz, M.; Simon, D. (2007): Globalization of R&D and China: An Introduction. Asia Pacific Business Review, Vol. 13, 3, 311-319.
von Zedtwitz, M.; Bok, D.K.; Chung, S. (2007, Editors): R&D Interplay in Northeast Asia. SERI: Seoul.
von Zedtwitz, M.; Ikeda, T.; Gong, L.; Carpenter, R.; Hämäläinen, S. (2007): Managing Foreign R&D in China. Research Technology Management, Vol. 50, No. 3, 19-27.
von Zedtwitz, M.; Gassmann, O.; Reepmeyer, G. (2007): 5章スイスの医薬品産業 (5 sho suisu no iyakuhin sangyo; Chapter 5 – Pharmaceutical Industry in Switzerland). In: Yoshimori, M. (Ed.): 世界の医薬品産業 (Sekai no iyakuhin sangyo; The Worldwide Pharmaceutical Industry). Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, xx-yy.
von Zedtwitz, M.; Jin, J. (2007): Process of Technological Capability Development: Cases from China’s Mobile Phone Industry. In: Sherif, M.H.; Khalil, T. (Editors): Management of Technology: New Directions in Technology Management. Pergamon: Oxford, 311-326.
von Zedtwitz, M. (2007): High-Tech Industries in China—Book Review. R&D Management, Vol. 37, No. 4, 384-385.
Becker, B.; Gassmann, O. (2006): Corporate Incubators: Industrial R&D and What Universities Can Learn from Them. Journal of Technology Transfer, Vol. 31, 2006, No. 4-5, 469-483.
Becker, B.; Gassmann, O. (2006): Gaining Leverage Effects from Knowledge Modes with Corporate Incubators. R&D Management, Vol. 36, 2006, No. 1, 1-16.
Gassmann, O. (2006): Editorial: Opening up the innovation process: towards an agenda. R&D Management, Vol. 36, 2006, No. 3, 223-226.
Gassmann, O.; Sandmeier P. (2006): Extreme Innovation. European Business Forum, Issue 26, Autumn 2006, 44-49.
Gassmann, O.; Enkel, E. (2006): Open Innovation: Die Öffnung des Innovationsprozesses erhöht das Innovationspotenzial. Zeitschrift Führung + Organisation, 2006, 75.Jg.; Nr. 3, 132-138.
Gassmann, O.; Bader, M. (2006): Intellectual Property Management in Inter-firm R&D Collaborations. Taiwan Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 6, 2006, No. 2, 217-236.
Gassmann, O.; Becker, B. (2006): Towards a Resource-based View of Corporate Incubators. International Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. 10, 2006, No.1, 19-45.
Gassmann, O.; Sandmeier, P.; Wecht, C.H. (2006): Extreme Customer Innovation in the Front-End: Learning from a New Software Paradigm. International Journal of Technology Management, Vol. 33, 2006, No.1, 46-66.
Loeser, B.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2006): Der Gang nach China – eine reine Pflichtübung? IO New Management No 11, 37-42 (in German).
von Zedtwitz, M.; Han, Z. (2006): Foreign R&D in China: New Impulses for the Chinese Economy? Journal of SwissCham China – The Bridge, 6 (Winter), 7-12.
von Zedtwitz, M.; Grimaldi, R. (2006): Are Service Profiles Incubator-Specific? – Results from an empirical investigation in Italy. Journal of Technology Transfer, Vol. 31, 459-468.
von Zedtwitz, M. (2006): International R&D strategies of TNCs from developing countries: the case of China. In: UNCTAD (Editor): Globalization of R&D and Developing Countries. New York & Geneva: United Nations, 117-140.
von Zedtwitz, M.; Heimann, P. (2006): Innovation in Clusters and the Liability of Foreignness of International R&D. In: Carayannis, E.; Campbell, D. (Editors): Knowledge Creation, Diffusion, and Use in Innovation Networks and Clusters: A Comparative Systems Approach Across the United States, Europe, and Asia. Praeger: New York, 101-122. [PDF]
Wu, G.; Xie, W.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2006): East Meets West: Challenges and Opportunities in the Era of Globalization. Proceedings of the 15th IAMOT Conference, Beijing, PR China, May 22-26. ISBN 0-9712964-8-0.
Becker, B.; Gassmann, O. (2006): Gaining Leverage Effects from Knowledge Modes with Corporate Incubators. R&D Management, Vol. 36, 2006, No. 1, 1-16.
Gassmann, O. (2006): Editorial: Opening up the innovation process: towards an agenda. R&D Management, Vol. 36, 2006, No. 3, 223-226.
Gassmann, O.; Sandmeier P. (2006): Extreme Innovation. European Business Forum, Issue 26, Autumn 2006, 44-49.
Gassmann, O.; Enkel, E. (2006): Open Innovation: Die Öffnung des Innovationsprozesses erhöht das Innovationspotenzial. Zeitschrift Führung + Organisation, 2006, 75.Jg.; Nr. 3, 132-138.
Gassmann, O.; Bader, M. (2006): Intellectual Property Management in Inter-firm R&D Collaborations. Taiwan Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 6, 2006, No. 2, 217-236.
Gassmann, O.; Becker, B. (2006): Towards a Resource-based View of Corporate Incubators. International Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. 10, 2006, No.1, 19-45.
Gassmann, O.; Sandmeier, P.; Wecht, C.H. (2006): Extreme Customer Innovation in the Front-End: Learning from a New Software Paradigm. International Journal of Technology Management, Vol. 33, 2006, No.1, 46-66.
Loeser, B.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2006): Der Gang nach China – eine reine Pflichtübung? IO New Management No 11, 37-42 (in German).
von Zedtwitz, M.; Han, Z. (2006): Foreign R&D in China: New Impulses for the Chinese Economy? Journal of SwissCham China – The Bridge, 6 (Winter), 7-12.
von Zedtwitz, M.; Grimaldi, R. (2006): Are Service Profiles Incubator-Specific? – Results from an empirical investigation in Italy. Journal of Technology Transfer, Vol. 31, 459-468.
von Zedtwitz, M. (2006): International R&D strategies of TNCs from developing countries: the case of China. In: UNCTAD (Editor): Globalization of R&D and Developing Countries. New York & Geneva: United Nations, 117-140.
von Zedtwitz, M.; Heimann, P. (2006): Innovation in Clusters and the Liability of Foreignness of International R&D. In: Carayannis, E.; Campbell, D. (Editors): Knowledge Creation, Diffusion, and Use in Innovation Networks and Clusters: A Comparative Systems Approach Across the United States, Europe, and Asia. Praeger: New York, 101-122. [PDF]
Wu, G.; Xie, W.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2006): East Meets West: Challenges and Opportunities in the Era of Globalization. Proceedings of the 15th IAMOT Conference, Beijing, PR China, May 22-26. ISBN 0-9712964-8-0.
Carayannis, E.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2005): Architecting gloCal (Global-Local), real-virtual incubator networks (G-RVINs) as catalysts and accelerators of entrepreneurship in transitioning and developing economies: lessons learned and best practices from current development and business incubation practices. Technovation, Vol. 25, No. 2, 95-110.
Enkel, E.; Perez-Freije, J., Gassmann, O. (2005): Minimizing Market Risks Through Customer Integration in New Product Development: Learning from Bad Practice. Creativity & Innovation Management, Vol. 14, No. 4, 2005, 425-437.
Enkel, E.; Kausch, C., Gassmann, O. (2005): Managing the Risk of Customer Integration. European Management Journal, Vol. 23, No. 2, 203-213.
Festel, G.; Kreimeyer, A.; Oels, U.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2005, Editors): The Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry in China – Challenges and Threats for Foreign Companies. Springer: Heidelberg.
Gassmann, O.; Keupp, M.M. (2005): Le Design Universel: Comment réussir dans le Marché des Seniors? Revue Economique et Sociale, Vol. 63, No. 2, 21-27.
Gassmann, O.; Gaso, B. (2005): Organizational Frameworks for Listening Post Activities. International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning, Vol. 1, No. 3, 241-265.
Gassmann, O.; Kausch, K. (2005): Den Technologietrend nicht verschlafen: Strategische Unternehmensführung mit Suchfeldanalyse. Wissenschaftsmanagement, Jg. 11 (2005), Nr. 2, 25-30.
Jolly, D.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2005): Rezepte gegen allzu findige Raubkopierer. IO New Management No 5, 25-29 (in German).
Li, P.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2005): 技术发展与中国标准竞争 (Ji Shu Fa Zhan Yu Zhong Guo Biao Zhun Jing Zheng; Technology Development and Competition of Standards in China). Scientific Management Research, Vol. 23, No. 5 (Oct. 2005), 38-42. (in Chinese)
von Zedtwitz, M. (2005, Editor): Managing S&T in China. Special Issue for Technological Analysis & Strategic Management, Vol. 17, No. 4. Routledge: London.
von Zedtwitz, M. (2005): Chinesische Firmen auf dem Weg in den Westen, IO New Management No 9, 50-55 (in German).
von Zedtwitz, M. (2005): Standort China – oder doch Indien? IO New Management No 7-8, 10-14 (in German).
von Zedtwitz, M. (2005): China starts unlocking the power of its people. EIRMA Innovation Quarterly, Summer 2005, 4.
von Zedtwitz, M. (2005): Preface – A Word of Introduction. In: Boermsa, A.; Romme, A. (2005): Challenges and Choices for Doing R&D in China. Tilburg: Squarewise Int’l.
von Zedtwitz, M.; Rovai, S. (2005): Dynamisch und ständig am Mobiltelefon. IO New Management No 3, 46-50 (in German).
von Zedtwitz, M. (2005): Outsourcing R&D in the Pharmaceutical Industry: From Conceptualisation to Implementation of the Strategic Sourcing Process—Book Review. R&D Management, Vol. 35, No. 3, 355-356.
von Zedtwitz, M. (2005): The Blackwell Handbook of Global Management—Book Review. R&D Management, Vol. 35, No. 2, 230-231.
von Zedtwitz, M.; Rovai, S. (2005): Abenteurer im Reich der Mitte. IO New Management No 1/2, 41-44 (in German).
von Zedtwitz, M. (2005): Inkubatoren für die Kommerzialisierung neuer Technologien. In: Albers, S.; Gassmann, O. (Editors): Handbuch für Technologie- und Innovationsmanagement. Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag. 547-564
von Zedtwitz, M. (2005): China Goes Abroad. In: Passow, S.; Runnbeck, M. (Eds): What's Next? Strategic Views on Foreign Direct Investment. UNCTAD and Invest in Sweden Agency. 62-69
von Zedtwitz, M. (2005): Editorial – The Evolution of Research on R&D and Technology Management in China. In: von Zedtwitz, M. (Editor): Managing S&T in China. Special Issue for Technological Analysis & Strategic Management, Vol. 17, No. 3, 253-255.
Wang, A.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2005): Developing the Pharmaceutical Business in China – the Case of Novartis. In: Festel, G.; Kreimeyer, A.; Oels, U.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2005, Editors): The Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry in China – Challenges and Threats for Foreign Companies. Springer: Heidelberg. 109-119.
Enkel, E.; Perez-Freije, J., Gassmann, O. (2005): Minimizing Market Risks Through Customer Integration in New Product Development: Learning from Bad Practice. Creativity & Innovation Management, Vol. 14, No. 4, 2005, 425-437.
Enkel, E.; Kausch, C., Gassmann, O. (2005): Managing the Risk of Customer Integration. European Management Journal, Vol. 23, No. 2, 203-213.
Festel, G.; Kreimeyer, A.; Oels, U.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2005, Editors): The Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry in China – Challenges and Threats for Foreign Companies. Springer: Heidelberg.
Gassmann, O.; Keupp, M.M. (2005): Le Design Universel: Comment réussir dans le Marché des Seniors? Revue Economique et Sociale, Vol. 63, No. 2, 21-27.
Gassmann, O.; Gaso, B. (2005): Organizational Frameworks for Listening Post Activities. International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning, Vol. 1, No. 3, 241-265.
Gassmann, O.; Kausch, K. (2005): Den Technologietrend nicht verschlafen: Strategische Unternehmensführung mit Suchfeldanalyse. Wissenschaftsmanagement, Jg. 11 (2005), Nr. 2, 25-30.
Jolly, D.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2005): Rezepte gegen allzu findige Raubkopierer. IO New Management No 5, 25-29 (in German).
Li, P.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2005): 技术发展与中国标准竞争 (Ji Shu Fa Zhan Yu Zhong Guo Biao Zhun Jing Zheng; Technology Development and Competition of Standards in China). Scientific Management Research, Vol. 23, No. 5 (Oct. 2005), 38-42. (in Chinese)
von Zedtwitz, M. (2005, Editor): Managing S&T in China. Special Issue for Technological Analysis & Strategic Management, Vol. 17, No. 4. Routledge: London.
von Zedtwitz, M. (2005): Chinesische Firmen auf dem Weg in den Westen, IO New Management No 9, 50-55 (in German).
von Zedtwitz, M. (2005): Standort China – oder doch Indien? IO New Management No 7-8, 10-14 (in German).
von Zedtwitz, M. (2005): China starts unlocking the power of its people. EIRMA Innovation Quarterly, Summer 2005, 4.
von Zedtwitz, M. (2005): Preface – A Word of Introduction. In: Boermsa, A.; Romme, A. (2005): Challenges and Choices for Doing R&D in China. Tilburg: Squarewise Int’l.
von Zedtwitz, M.; Rovai, S. (2005): Dynamisch und ständig am Mobiltelefon. IO New Management No 3, 46-50 (in German).
von Zedtwitz, M. (2005): Outsourcing R&D in the Pharmaceutical Industry: From Conceptualisation to Implementation of the Strategic Sourcing Process—Book Review. R&D Management, Vol. 35, No. 3, 355-356.
von Zedtwitz, M. (2005): The Blackwell Handbook of Global Management—Book Review. R&D Management, Vol. 35, No. 2, 230-231.
von Zedtwitz, M.; Rovai, S. (2005): Abenteurer im Reich der Mitte. IO New Management No 1/2, 41-44 (in German).
von Zedtwitz, M. (2005): Inkubatoren für die Kommerzialisierung neuer Technologien. In: Albers, S.; Gassmann, O. (Editors): Handbuch für Technologie- und Innovationsmanagement. Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag. 547-564
von Zedtwitz, M. (2005): China Goes Abroad. In: Passow, S.; Runnbeck, M. (Eds): What's Next? Strategic Views on Foreign Direct Investment. UNCTAD and Invest in Sweden Agency. 62-69
von Zedtwitz, M. (2005): Editorial – The Evolution of Research on R&D and Technology Management in China. In: von Zedtwitz, M. (Editor): Managing S&T in China. Special Issue for Technological Analysis & Strategic Management, Vol. 17, No. 3, 253-255.
Wang, A.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2005): Developing the Pharmaceutical Business in China – the Case of Novartis. In: Festel, G.; Kreimeyer, A.; Oels, U.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2005, Editors): The Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry in China – Challenges and Threats for Foreign Companies. Springer: Heidelberg. 109-119.
von Zedtwitz, M. (2004, Editor): Managing R&D in China. Special Issue for R&D Management, Vol. 34, No. 4. Blackwell: Oxford.
von Zedtwitz, M. (2004, Editor): Managing Knowledge in Virtual Organizations. Special Issue for the International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organizations. Inderscience: Geneva.
von Zedtwitz, M. (2004): Managing Industrial Knowledge—Book Review. Innovation: Management, Policy & Practice, Vol. 6, No. 3.
Fai, F.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2004): Copyright gilt nur auf dem Papier. IO New Management No 12, 46-50 (in German).
Vega, P.; von Zedtwitz, M.; Wei, Z. (2004): Reiseführer für Venture Capitalists in China. IO New Management No 11, 10-13 (in German).
von Zedtwitz, M. (2004): Editorial: Managing R&D in China. R&D Management, Vol. 34, No. 4, 341-343.
von Zedtwitz, M.; Que, L. (2004): Internal Incubators in Chinese State-Owned Enterprises. Asia-Pacific Tech Monitor, Vol. 21, No. 2, 44-51.
Haour, G.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2004): China auf dem Weg zum Globalen Innovationslabor. IO New Management No 4, 16-20 (in German).
von Zedtwitz, M.; Gassmann, O., Boutellier, R. (2004): Organizing Global R&D: Challenges and Dilemmas. In: Hosni, Y.; Khalil, T. (Editors): Internet Economy: Opportunities and Challenges for Developed and Developing Regions of the World. Pergamon: Oxford, 355-389.
Gassmann, O.; Reepmeyer, G.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2004): Innovating Pharma Innovation. In: Pacl, P.; Festel, G.; Wess, W. (Editors): The Future of Pharma R&D – Challenges and Trends. F-Capital: Huenenberg, 27-38.
von Zedtwitz, M. (2004): Managing knowledge in virtual organisations: an introduction. International Journal for Networking and Virtual Organisations, Vol. 2, No. 4, 283-286.
von Zedtwitz, M. (2004): Managing Foreign R&D Labs in China. R&D Management, Vol. 34, No. 4, 439-452. [PDF]
Fischer, W.A.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2004): Chinese R&D: Naissance, Renaissance, or Mirage? R&D Management, Vol. 34, No. 4, 349-365.
von Zedtwitz, M.; Gassmann, O., Boutellier, R. (2004): Organizing Global R&D: Challenges and Dilemmas. Journal of International Management, Vol. 10, No. 1, 21-49. (Most frequently requested article in this journal during 2004.)
Gassmann, O.; Reepmeyer, G.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2004): Leading Pharmaceutical Innovation - Trends and Drivers for Growth in the Pharmaceutical Industry. Springer: Heidelberg.
Gassmann, O.; Gaso, B. (2004): Insourcing Creativity with Listening Posts in Decentralized Firms. Journal of Creativity and Innovation Management, Vol. 13, No. 1, 3-14.
von Zedtwitz, M. (2004, Editor): Managing Knowledge in Virtual Organizations. Special Issue for the International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organizations. Inderscience: Geneva.
von Zedtwitz, M. (2004): Managing Industrial Knowledge—Book Review. Innovation: Management, Policy & Practice, Vol. 6, No. 3.
Fai, F.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2004): Copyright gilt nur auf dem Papier. IO New Management No 12, 46-50 (in German).
Vega, P.; von Zedtwitz, M.; Wei, Z. (2004): Reiseführer für Venture Capitalists in China. IO New Management No 11, 10-13 (in German).
von Zedtwitz, M. (2004): Editorial: Managing R&D in China. R&D Management, Vol. 34, No. 4, 341-343.
von Zedtwitz, M.; Que, L. (2004): Internal Incubators in Chinese State-Owned Enterprises. Asia-Pacific Tech Monitor, Vol. 21, No. 2, 44-51.
Haour, G.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2004): China auf dem Weg zum Globalen Innovationslabor. IO New Management No 4, 16-20 (in German).
von Zedtwitz, M.; Gassmann, O., Boutellier, R. (2004): Organizing Global R&D: Challenges and Dilemmas. In: Hosni, Y.; Khalil, T. (Editors): Internet Economy: Opportunities and Challenges for Developed and Developing Regions of the World. Pergamon: Oxford, 355-389.
Gassmann, O.; Reepmeyer, G.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2004): Innovating Pharma Innovation. In: Pacl, P.; Festel, G.; Wess, W. (Editors): The Future of Pharma R&D – Challenges and Trends. F-Capital: Huenenberg, 27-38.
von Zedtwitz, M. (2004): Managing knowledge in virtual organisations: an introduction. International Journal for Networking and Virtual Organisations, Vol. 2, No. 4, 283-286.
von Zedtwitz, M. (2004): Managing Foreign R&D Labs in China. R&D Management, Vol. 34, No. 4, 439-452. [PDF]
Fischer, W.A.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2004): Chinese R&D: Naissance, Renaissance, or Mirage? R&D Management, Vol. 34, No. 4, 349-365.
von Zedtwitz, M.; Gassmann, O., Boutellier, R. (2004): Organizing Global R&D: Challenges and Dilemmas. Journal of International Management, Vol. 10, No. 1, 21-49. (Most frequently requested article in this journal during 2004.)
Gassmann, O.; Reepmeyer, G.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2004): Leading Pharmaceutical Innovation - Trends and Drivers for Growth in the Pharmaceutical Industry. Springer: Heidelberg.
Gassmann, O.; Gaso, B. (2004): Insourcing Creativity with Listening Posts in Decentralized Firms. Journal of Creativity and Innovation Management, Vol. 13, No. 1, 3-14.
von Zedtwitz, M.; Haour, G.; Khalil, T.; Levebvre, L. (Editors, 2003): Management of Technology: Growth through Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Pergamon: Oxford.
Gassmann, O., Escher, J.-P., Luggen, M. (2003): Spin-off-Gründungen aus privatwirtschaftlichen Forschungszentren. Wissenschaftsmanagement, Jg. 9, Nr. 5, 24-30.
Mikkola, J.H.; Gassmann, O. (2003): Managing Modularity of Product Architecture: Towards an Integrated Theory. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol. 50, No. 2, 204-218.
Gassmann, O.; Reepmeyer, G.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2003): Suisu no iyakuhinsangyo no kouzoubunseki (スイスの医薬品産業の構造分析, Analyzing Structures of the Pharmaceutical Industry in Switzerland). Journal of Health Care and Society, Vol. 13, No. 2, 41-84. (in Japanese)
von Zedtwitz, M. (2003): Post Project Review in R&D. Research Technology Management, Vol. 46, No. 5, 43-49. [PDF]
von Zedtwitz, M. (2003): Initial Directors of International R&D Laboratories. R&D Management, Vol. 33, No. 4, 377-393.
von Zedtwitz, M. (2003): Classification and Management of Incubators: Aligning Strategic Objectives and Competitive Scope for New Business Facilitation. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, Vol. 3, Nos. 1/2, 176-196. [PDF]
Gassmann, O.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2003): Trends and Determinants of Managing Virtual R&D Teams. R&D Management, Vol. 33, No. 3, 243-262.
von Zedtwitz, M. (2003): New Trends in Managing Innovation. Innovation Europe, Vol. 1, No. 2, 52-55.
von Zedtwitz, M. (2003): Handbook of Strategic Management—Book Review. R&D Management, Vol. 33, No. 3, 354-355.
von Zedtwitz, M. (2003): 研发项目反刍式管理 (Yan Fa Xiang Mu Fan Pu Shi Guan Li; R&D Project Post-Review Management). CEO CIO in Information Times. Vol. 124 (May 20), 74-78 (in Chinese). [PDF]
Gassmann, O.; Reepmeyer, G. (2003): Wertorientiertes Innovationsmanagement, in: Wiedmann, K.-P., Heckenmüller, C. (Hrsg.): Ganzheitliches Corporate Finance Management, Gabler: 677-698.
Gassmann, O. (2003): Wege zum erfolgreichen Produkt: Management von Innovationsprozessen, in: Baumoel, U.; Oesterle, H.; Winter, R. (Hrsg.): Business Engineering: Auf dem Weg zum Unternehmen des Informationszeitalters, 2. Aufl., Springer: Berlin, Tokyo, New York, 249-266.
von Zedtwitz, M.; Gassmann, O. (2003): Organizing Global R&D: Challenges, Dilemmas and Future Trends, in: Khalil, T.; Lefebvre, L.; Hosni, Y. (Ed.): Drive towards the Internet, Pergamon.
Gassmann, O. (2003): Lieferanten als Innovationsquelle in F&E, in: Boutellier, R.; Wagner, S.M.; Wehrli, H.P. (Hrsg.): Handbuch Beschaffung, Hanser: München, Wien, 631-646.
Mikkola, J.H.; Gassmann, O. (2003): Modeling Modularity of Product Architectures, in: von Zedtwitz, M.; Haour, G.; Khalil, T.; Lefebvre, L.A. (Ed.): Management of Technology: Growth Through Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Pergamon, 407-429.
Gassmann, O.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2003): Innovation Processes in Transnational Corporations. Shavinina, L. (Editor): The International Handbook on Innovation. Pergamon: Oxford, Part IX, Chpt. 4, 702-714. [PDF]
Ruping, K.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2003): Risk Management in Incubators. In: von Zedtwitz, M.; Haour, G.; Khalil, T.; Levebvre, L. (Editors): Management of Technology: Growth through Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Pergamon: Oxford, 65-78.
von Zedtwitz, M. (2003): A Four-Layer Model for Studying Organizational Structure. Academy of Management Best Papers Proceedings (selected into top 10%), Seattle, Aug 4-6, 2003.
Gassmann, O., Escher, J.-P., Luggen, M. (2003): Spin-off-Gründungen aus privatwirtschaftlichen Forschungszentren. Wissenschaftsmanagement, Jg. 9, Nr. 5, 24-30.
Mikkola, J.H.; Gassmann, O. (2003): Managing Modularity of Product Architecture: Towards an Integrated Theory. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol. 50, No. 2, 204-218.
Gassmann, O.; Reepmeyer, G.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2003): Suisu no iyakuhinsangyo no kouzoubunseki (スイスの医薬品産業の構造分析, Analyzing Structures of the Pharmaceutical Industry in Switzerland). Journal of Health Care and Society, Vol. 13, No. 2, 41-84. (in Japanese)
von Zedtwitz, M. (2003): Post Project Review in R&D. Research Technology Management, Vol. 46, No. 5, 43-49. [PDF]
von Zedtwitz, M. (2003): Initial Directors of International R&D Laboratories. R&D Management, Vol. 33, No. 4, 377-393.
von Zedtwitz, M. (2003): Classification and Management of Incubators: Aligning Strategic Objectives and Competitive Scope for New Business Facilitation. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, Vol. 3, Nos. 1/2, 176-196. [PDF]
Gassmann, O.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2003): Trends and Determinants of Managing Virtual R&D Teams. R&D Management, Vol. 33, No. 3, 243-262.
von Zedtwitz, M. (2003): New Trends in Managing Innovation. Innovation Europe, Vol. 1, No. 2, 52-55.
von Zedtwitz, M. (2003): Handbook of Strategic Management—Book Review. R&D Management, Vol. 33, No. 3, 354-355.
von Zedtwitz, M. (2003): 研发项目反刍式管理 (Yan Fa Xiang Mu Fan Pu Shi Guan Li; R&D Project Post-Review Management). CEO CIO in Information Times. Vol. 124 (May 20), 74-78 (in Chinese). [PDF]
Gassmann, O.; Reepmeyer, G. (2003): Wertorientiertes Innovationsmanagement, in: Wiedmann, K.-P., Heckenmüller, C. (Hrsg.): Ganzheitliches Corporate Finance Management, Gabler: 677-698.
Gassmann, O. (2003): Wege zum erfolgreichen Produkt: Management von Innovationsprozessen, in: Baumoel, U.; Oesterle, H.; Winter, R. (Hrsg.): Business Engineering: Auf dem Weg zum Unternehmen des Informationszeitalters, 2. Aufl., Springer: Berlin, Tokyo, New York, 249-266.
von Zedtwitz, M.; Gassmann, O. (2003): Organizing Global R&D: Challenges, Dilemmas and Future Trends, in: Khalil, T.; Lefebvre, L.; Hosni, Y. (Ed.): Drive towards the Internet, Pergamon.
Gassmann, O. (2003): Lieferanten als Innovationsquelle in F&E, in: Boutellier, R.; Wagner, S.M.; Wehrli, H.P. (Hrsg.): Handbuch Beschaffung, Hanser: München, Wien, 631-646.
Mikkola, J.H.; Gassmann, O. (2003): Modeling Modularity of Product Architectures, in: von Zedtwitz, M.; Haour, G.; Khalil, T.; Lefebvre, L.A. (Ed.): Management of Technology: Growth Through Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Pergamon, 407-429.
Gassmann, O.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2003): Innovation Processes in Transnational Corporations. Shavinina, L. (Editor): The International Handbook on Innovation. Pergamon: Oxford, Part IX, Chpt. 4, 702-714. [PDF]
Ruping, K.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2003): Risk Management in Incubators. In: von Zedtwitz, M.; Haour, G.; Khalil, T.; Levebvre, L. (Editors): Management of Technology: Growth through Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Pergamon: Oxford, 65-78.
von Zedtwitz, M. (2003): A Four-Layer Model for Studying Organizational Structure. Academy of Management Best Papers Proceedings (selected into top 10%), Seattle, Aug 4-6, 2003.
Boutellier, R.; Gassmann, O.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2002): Managing Global R&D (in Chinese: 未来竞争的优势--全球研发管理案例研究与分析), Guangdong Economics, Guangzhou.
von Zedtwitz, M.; Gassmann, O. (2002): Managing Customer Oriented Research. International Journal of Technology Management, Vol. 24, Nos. 2/3, 165-193. [PDF]
von Zedtwitz, M.; Gassmann, O. (2002): Market versus Technology Drive in R&D Internationalization: Four different patterns of managing research and development. Research Policy, 31, 4, 569-588.
Gassmann, O., Kottmann, J. (2002): Technologie-Management in der Sensorik: Ergebnisse einer empirischen Studie aus Anwendersicht. Wissenschaftsmanagement, Jg. 8 Nr. 1, 19-24.
von Zedtwitz, M. (2002): Organizational Learning through Post-Project Reviews in R&D. R&D Management 32, 3, 255-268.
von Zedtwitz, M. (2002): Post-Project-Reviews: Aus Fehlern Lernen. IO New Management 12, 53 (in German).
von Zedtwitz, M.; Marmier, P. (2002): Unterschiedliche Erfolgskriterien für Inkubatoren. Neue Zürcher Zeitung, September 7, 2002, 25 (in German).
Boutellier, R.; Gassmann, O. (2002): Internetbasierte Innovationsnetzwerke, in: Milberg, J.; Schuh, G. (Hrsg.): Erfolg in Netzwerken, Springer: Berlin, Tokyo, New York, 35-47.
von Zedtwitz, M.; Marmier, P. (2002): Werden sich Unternehmens-Inkubatoren durchsetzen? Neue Zürcher Zeitung, August 26, 2002, 25 (in German).
von Zedtwitz, M.; Marmier, P. (2002): L’incubation professionnelle a-t-elle un avenir en Suisse? AGEFI, May 24, 2002, 17 (in French).
Gassmann, O.; Reepmeyer, G.; von Zedtwitz, M.; (2002): Analyzing Structures of the Pharmaceutical Industry in Switzerland. Report to the Health Care Science Institute, Japan.
von Zedtwitz, M.; Gassmann, O. (2002): Managing Customer Oriented Research. International Journal of Technology Management, Vol. 24, Nos. 2/3, 165-193. [PDF]
von Zedtwitz, M.; Gassmann, O. (2002): Market versus Technology Drive in R&D Internationalization: Four different patterns of managing research and development. Research Policy, 31, 4, 569-588.
Gassmann, O., Kottmann, J. (2002): Technologie-Management in der Sensorik: Ergebnisse einer empirischen Studie aus Anwendersicht. Wissenschaftsmanagement, Jg. 8 Nr. 1, 19-24.
von Zedtwitz, M. (2002): Organizational Learning through Post-Project Reviews in R&D. R&D Management 32, 3, 255-268.
von Zedtwitz, M. (2002): Post-Project-Reviews: Aus Fehlern Lernen. IO New Management 12, 53 (in German).
von Zedtwitz, M.; Marmier, P. (2002): Unterschiedliche Erfolgskriterien für Inkubatoren. Neue Zürcher Zeitung, September 7, 2002, 25 (in German).
Boutellier, R.; Gassmann, O. (2002): Internetbasierte Innovationsnetzwerke, in: Milberg, J.; Schuh, G. (Hrsg.): Erfolg in Netzwerken, Springer: Berlin, Tokyo, New York, 35-47.
von Zedtwitz, M.; Marmier, P. (2002): Werden sich Unternehmens-Inkubatoren durchsetzen? Neue Zürcher Zeitung, August 26, 2002, 25 (in German).
von Zedtwitz, M.; Marmier, P. (2002): L’incubation professionnelle a-t-elle un avenir en Suisse? AGEFI, May 24, 2002, 17 (in French).
Gassmann, O.; Reepmeyer, G.; von Zedtwitz, M.; (2002): Analyzing Structures of the Pharmaceutical Industry in Switzerland. Report to the Health Care Science Institute, Japan.
Mueller, H.; Khalil, T.; Lefebvre, L.; Haour, G.; von Zedtwitz, M. (Editors, 2001): Growth through Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Management of Technology, Lausanne, March 19-22, 2001.
Gassmann, O. (2001): E-Technologien in dezentralen Innovationsprozessen. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, ZfB-Ergänzungsheft 3/2001, 73-90.
Gassmann, O. (2001): Multicultural Teams: Increasing Creativity and Innovation by Diversity. Journal of Creativity and Innovation Management, Vol. 10, No. 2, 88-95.
Gassmann, O., Fuchs, M. (2001): Multilaterale Kooperationen. Zeitschrift Führung + Organisation, Nr. 6, 346-353.
Gassmann, O.; Hipp, C. (2001): Hebeleffekte in der Wissensgenerierung: Die Rolle von technischen Dienstleistern als externe Wissensquelle. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, ZfB-Ergänzungsheft 1/2001, 141-159.
von Zedtwitz, M.; Gassmann, O. (2001): Market versus Technology Drive in R&D Internationalization, in: Khalil, T.; Lefebvre, L.; Mason, R. (Eds.): Management of Technology: Keys to Prosperity in the Third Millennium. Elsevier Science: Amsterdam, 99-116.
Ruping, K.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2001): Risikomanagement in Inkubatoren. In: Gassmann, O.; Kobe, C.; Voit, E. (Eds.): High-Risk-Projekte: Quantensprünge in der Entwicklung erfolgreich managen. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 361-376.
Gassmann, O.; Meixner, H. (2001): Sensors in Intelligent Buildings – Trends and Overview, in: Gassmann, O.; Meixner, H. (2001): Sensors in Intelligent Buildings, Wiley-VCH: Cambridge, New York, Weinheim, 3-26.
Gassmann, O. (2001): High-Risk-Projekte als Erfolgsfaktor in dynamischen Industrien, in: Gassmann, O.; Kobe, C., Voit, E. (Hrsg.): High-Risk-Projekte, Quantensprünge in der Entwicklung erfolgreich managen, Springer: Berlin, Tokyo, New York, 3-25.
Boutellier, R.; Gassmann, O. (2001): Flexibles Management von Entwicklungsprojekten, in: Gassmann, O.; Kobe, C., Voit, E. (Hrsg.): High-Risk-Projekte, Quantensprünge in der Entwicklung erfolgreich managen, Springer: Berlin, Tokyo, New York, 27-44.
(47) KOBE, C.; Gassmann, O. (2001): Einbindung der Technologiebeobachtung in Entwicklungsprojekte, in: Gassmann, O.; Kobe, C., Voit, E. (Hrsg.): High-Risk-Projekte, Quantensprünge in der Entwicklung erfolgreich managen, Springer: Berlin, Tokyo, New York, 317-340.
Gassmann, O. (2001): Innovativ durch kompetenzbasiertes Netzwerk, in: Burckhardt, W. (Hrsg.): Handbuch der Produktion, Moderne Industrie: Landsberg, 101-110.
Ruping, K.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2001): Risk Management in Incubators. In: Lefebvre, L.; Khalil, T.; Mueller, H.; Haour, G.; von Zedtwitz, M. (Eds.): Proceedings of the 10th IAMOT Conference, Lausanne, March 19-22, 2001. (Winner of the IAMOT 2001 Best Paper Award sponsored by ABB).
Koners, U.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2001): Organizational Learning through Post-Project Reviews in R&D. In: Davenport, S.; Daellenbach, U.; Davies, J.; Butler, J.; Pearson, A.; Ball, D. (Editors): Leveraging Research & Technology. R&D Management Conference 2001 Proceedings (ISBN 0 9540016 2 1), 124-135.
Gassmann, O. (2001): E-Technologien in dezentralen Innovationsprozessen. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, ZfB-Ergänzungsheft 3/2001, 73-90.
Gassmann, O. (2001): Multicultural Teams: Increasing Creativity and Innovation by Diversity. Journal of Creativity and Innovation Management, Vol. 10, No. 2, 88-95.
Gassmann, O., Fuchs, M. (2001): Multilaterale Kooperationen. Zeitschrift Führung + Organisation, Nr. 6, 346-353.
Gassmann, O.; Hipp, C. (2001): Hebeleffekte in der Wissensgenerierung: Die Rolle von technischen Dienstleistern als externe Wissensquelle. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, ZfB-Ergänzungsheft 1/2001, 141-159.
von Zedtwitz, M.; Gassmann, O. (2001): Market versus Technology Drive in R&D Internationalization, in: Khalil, T.; Lefebvre, L.; Mason, R. (Eds.): Management of Technology: Keys to Prosperity in the Third Millennium. Elsevier Science: Amsterdam, 99-116.
Ruping, K.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2001): Risikomanagement in Inkubatoren. In: Gassmann, O.; Kobe, C.; Voit, E. (Eds.): High-Risk-Projekte: Quantensprünge in der Entwicklung erfolgreich managen. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 361-376.
Gassmann, O.; Meixner, H. (2001): Sensors in Intelligent Buildings – Trends and Overview, in: Gassmann, O.; Meixner, H. (2001): Sensors in Intelligent Buildings, Wiley-VCH: Cambridge, New York, Weinheim, 3-26.
Gassmann, O. (2001): High-Risk-Projekte als Erfolgsfaktor in dynamischen Industrien, in: Gassmann, O.; Kobe, C., Voit, E. (Hrsg.): High-Risk-Projekte, Quantensprünge in der Entwicklung erfolgreich managen, Springer: Berlin, Tokyo, New York, 3-25.
Boutellier, R.; Gassmann, O. (2001): Flexibles Management von Entwicklungsprojekten, in: Gassmann, O.; Kobe, C., Voit, E. (Hrsg.): High-Risk-Projekte, Quantensprünge in der Entwicklung erfolgreich managen, Springer: Berlin, Tokyo, New York, 27-44.
(47) KOBE, C.; Gassmann, O. (2001): Einbindung der Technologiebeobachtung in Entwicklungsprojekte, in: Gassmann, O.; Kobe, C., Voit, E. (Hrsg.): High-Risk-Projekte, Quantensprünge in der Entwicklung erfolgreich managen, Springer: Berlin, Tokyo, New York, 317-340.
Gassmann, O. (2001): Innovativ durch kompetenzbasiertes Netzwerk, in: Burckhardt, W. (Hrsg.): Handbuch der Produktion, Moderne Industrie: Landsberg, 101-110.
Ruping, K.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2001): Risk Management in Incubators. In: Lefebvre, L.; Khalil, T.; Mueller, H.; Haour, G.; von Zedtwitz, M. (Eds.): Proceedings of the 10th IAMOT Conference, Lausanne, March 19-22, 2001. (Winner of the IAMOT 2001 Best Paper Award sponsored by ABB).
Koners, U.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2001): Organizational Learning through Post-Project Reviews in R&D. In: Davenport, S.; Daellenbach, U.; Davies, J.; Butler, J.; Pearson, A.; Ball, D. (Editors): Leveraging Research & Technology. R&D Management Conference 2001 Proceedings (ISBN 0 9540016 2 1), 124-135.
Boutellier, R.; Bratzler, M.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2000): Managing Technology Partnerships with Suppliers, in: COTEC (Ed.): Technology Strategy and Strategic Alliances. Madrid: COTEC, 239-250.
Gassmann, O. (2000): Wachsende Technologiedynamik bewältigen. Wissenschaftsmanagement Jg. 7, Nr. 2, 35-39.
Schindler, M.; Gassmann, O. (2000): Projektabwicklung gewinnt durch Wissensmanagement. Wissenschaftsmanagement Jg. 7, Nr. 1, 38-45.
Boutellier, R.; Gassmann, O.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2000): Überlagerung von Organisationsstrukturen in Globaler F&E, in Wojda, F. (Ed.): Innovative Organisationsformen: Neue Entwicklungen in der Unternehmensorganisation. Stuttgart: Schaeffer-Poeschel, 342-368 (in German).
Marmier, P.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2000): Zentrale Rolle des Technologietransfers in der New Economy. Neue Zürcher Zeitung Nr. 192, 29 (in German).
Marmier, P.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2000): La Nouvelle Economie Passe par L’Amélioration du Transfert de Technologie. Le Temps, April 5, 12 (in French).
Gassmann, O. (2000): Wachsende Technologiedynamik bewältigen. Wissenschaftsmanagement Jg. 7, Nr. 2, 35-39.
Schindler, M.; Gassmann, O. (2000): Projektabwicklung gewinnt durch Wissensmanagement. Wissenschaftsmanagement Jg. 7, Nr. 1, 38-45.
Boutellier, R.; Gassmann, O.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2000): Überlagerung von Organisationsstrukturen in Globaler F&E, in Wojda, F. (Ed.): Innovative Organisationsformen: Neue Entwicklungen in der Unternehmensorganisation. Stuttgart: Schaeffer-Poeschel, 342-368 (in German).
Marmier, P.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2000): Zentrale Rolle des Technologietransfers in der New Economy. Neue Zürcher Zeitung Nr. 192, 29 (in German).
Marmier, P.; von Zedtwitz, M. (2000): La Nouvelle Economie Passe par L’Amélioration du Transfert de Technologie. Le Temps, April 5, 12 (in French).
Boutellier, R.; Gassmann, O.; von Zedtwitz, M. (1999): Managing Global R&D - Uncovering the Secrets of Future Competitiveness. Springer: Heidelberg (2nd revised edition published in 2000).
Gassmann, O.; von Zedtwitz, M. (1999): New Concepts and Trends in International R&D Organization. Research Policy, Vol. 28, 231-250. [PDF]
Gassmann, O. (1999): Praxisnähe mit Fallstudienforschung. Wissenschaftsmanagement Jg. 6, Nr. 3, 11-16.
Gassmann, O. (1999): Innovative Systeme erfordern neue Prozesse, in: Thexis, Internationales Vertriebsmanagement für Industriegüter, St. Gallen, Wien, 247-254.
Hipp, C.; Gassmann, O. (1999): Innovation Management and New Forms of Knowledge Creation: The Role of Technical Services as External Sources of Knowledge, in: Kocaoglu, D. F.; Anderson, T.R. (Eds.): Technology and Innovation Management, Portland, 186-192.
Gassmann, O.; Kobe, C. (1999): Ganzheitliches F&E- und Technologie-Controlling und Management neuer Technologien, in: Boutellier, R.; Völker, R.; Voit, E.: Innovationscontrolling, München, Wien, 47-62.
Gassmann, O.; von Zedtwitz, M. (1999): New Concepts and Trends in International R&D Organization. Research Policy, Vol. 28, 231-250. [PDF]
Gassmann, O. (1999): Praxisnähe mit Fallstudienforschung. Wissenschaftsmanagement Jg. 6, Nr. 3, 11-16.
Gassmann, O. (1999): Innovative Systeme erfordern neue Prozesse, in: Thexis, Internationales Vertriebsmanagement für Industriegüter, St. Gallen, Wien, 247-254.
Hipp, C.; Gassmann, O. (1999): Innovation Management and New Forms of Knowledge Creation: The Role of Technical Services as External Sources of Knowledge, in: Kocaoglu, D. F.; Anderson, T.R. (Eds.): Technology and Innovation Management, Portland, 186-192.
Gassmann, O.; Kobe, C. (1999): Ganzheitliches F&E- und Technologie-Controlling und Management neuer Technologien, in: Boutellier, R.; Völker, R.; Voit, E.: Innovationscontrolling, München, Wien, 47-62.
Gassmann, O.; von Zedtwitz, M. (1998): Organization of Industrial R&D on a Global Scale. R&D Management, Vol. 28, No. 3, 147-161. (Winner of the 1998 RADMA prize for best paper with a focus on practicality).
Boutellier, R.; Gassmann, O.; Macho, H.; Roux, M. (1998): Management of Dispersed R&D Teams. R&D Management, Vol 28, No. 1, 13-25.
Boutellier, R.; von Zedtwitz, M. (1998): Ensuring an Effective R-to-D Interface by Managing Knowledge Transfer through R&D Individuals, in: Xu, Q.; Wu, X.; Chen, J. (1998, Eds): Management of Technology and Technological Innovation. Proceedings of the 2nd ISMOT Conference, Hangzhou, November 26-28, 150-161 (Winner Best Paper Award).
von Zedtwitz, M. (1999): Daimler-Benz: Global Knowledge Sourcing and Research, in: Boutellier, R.; Gassmann, O.; von Zedtwitz, M. (1999): Managing Global Innovation. Berlin, New York, Tokyo: Springer, 453-480.
Gassmann, O.; von Zedtwitz, M. (1998): Towards the Integrated R&D Network - New Aspects of Organizing International R&D, in: Lefebvre, L.A.; Mason, R.M.; Khalil, T. (1998, Eds): Management of Technology, Sustainable Development and Eco-Efficiency, Amsterdam: Elsevier, 85-99.
Boutellier, R.; Gassmann, O.; Macho, H.; Roux, M. (1998): Management of Dispersed R&D Teams. R&D Management, Vol 28, No. 1, 13-25.
Boutellier, R.; von Zedtwitz, M. (1998): Ensuring an Effective R-to-D Interface by Managing Knowledge Transfer through R&D Individuals, in: Xu, Q.; Wu, X.; Chen, J. (1998, Eds): Management of Technology and Technological Innovation. Proceedings of the 2nd ISMOT Conference, Hangzhou, November 26-28, 150-161 (Winner Best Paper Award).
von Zedtwitz, M. (1999): Daimler-Benz: Global Knowledge Sourcing and Research, in: Boutellier, R.; Gassmann, O.; von Zedtwitz, M. (1999): Managing Global Innovation. Berlin, New York, Tokyo: Springer, 453-480.
Gassmann, O.; von Zedtwitz, M. (1998): Towards the Integrated R&D Network - New Aspects of Organizing International R&D, in: Lefebvre, L.A.; Mason, R.M.; Khalil, T. (1998, Eds): Management of Technology, Sustainable Development and Eco-Efficiency, Amsterdam: Elsevier, 85-99.
Gassmann, O. (1997): F&E-Projektmanagement und Prozesse länderübergreifender Produktentwicklung, in: Gerybadze, A.; Reger, G.; Meyer-Krahmer, F. (Hrsg.): Globales Management von Forschung und Innovation, Stuttgart, 127-168.
Gassmann, O. (1997): Organisationsformen der internationalen F&E in technologieintensiven Grossunternehmen. Zeitschrift Führung + Organisation, Nr. 6, 332-339.
Boutellier, R.; Gassmann, O. (1997): Wie F+E-Projekte flexibel gemanagt werden. Harvard Business Manager, 19. Jg., Nr. 7, 69-76.
Gassmann; O.; Roux, M. (1997): Einsatz von Informationstechnologien in länderübergreifenden F&E-Prozessen. Wissenschaftsmanagement, Nr. 3, 130-136.
Boutellier, R.; Gassmann, O. (1997): Das Generationenkonzept im F&E-Projektmanagement. Wissenschaftsmanagement, Nr. 1, 34-42.
Gassmann, O.; Boutellier, R. (1997): Informationstechnologien in virtuellen F&E-Teams. Technologie & Management, 46. Jg., Nr. 4, 28-31.
Gassmann, O. (1997): Organisationsformen der internationalen F&E in technologieintensiven Grossunternehmen. Zeitschrift Führung + Organisation, Nr. 6, 332-339.
Boutellier, R.; Gassmann, O. (1997): Wie F+E-Projekte flexibel gemanagt werden. Harvard Business Manager, 19. Jg., Nr. 7, 69-76.
Gassmann; O.; Roux, M. (1997): Einsatz von Informationstechnologien in länderübergreifenden F&E-Prozessen. Wissenschaftsmanagement, Nr. 3, 130-136.
Boutellier, R.; Gassmann, O. (1997): Das Generationenkonzept im F&E-Projektmanagement. Wissenschaftsmanagement, Nr. 1, 34-42.
Gassmann, O.; Boutellier, R. (1997): Informationstechnologien in virtuellen F&E-Teams. Technologie & Management, 46. Jg., Nr. 4, 28-31.
Gassmann, O.; von Zedtwitz, M. (1996, Editors): Internationales Innovationsmanagement. Vahlen: München (in German).
Gassmann, O.; von Zedtwitz, M. (1996): Marktorientiertes Forschungsmanagement. Wissenschaftsmanagement 3, Mai/Juni, München, 138-144 (in German).
Bosshart, O.; Gassmann, O. (1996): Management Strategischer Technologieallianzen, in: Gassmann; O.; von Zedtwitz, M. (Hrsg.): Internationales Innovationsmanagement, München, 187-211.
Boutellier, R.; Gassmann, O. (1996): Internationales Innovationsmanagement - Trends und Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten, in: Gassmann; O.; von Zedtwitz, M. (Hrsg.): Internationales Innovationsmanagement, München, 281-301.
Gassmann, O.; von Zedtwitz, M. (1996): Internationales Innovationsmanagement - ein Referenzrahmen, in: Gassmann, O.; von Zedtwitz, M. (1996, Eds): Internationales Innovationsmanagement. München: Vahlen Verlag, 3-15 (in German).
von Zedtwitz, M.; Kiss, E. (1996): Wettbewerbsstrategien und Dominante Designs auf globalen Märkten, in: Gassmann, O.; von Zedtwitz, M. (1996, Eds): Internationales Innovationsmanagement. München: Vahlen Verlag, 105-116 (in German).
von Zedtwitz, M.; Schadt, M.; Brauchli, M. (1996): Überwindung nationaler Grenzen am Beispiel der Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)-Technologie, in: Gassmann, O.; von Zedtwitz, M. (1996, Eds): Internationales Innovationsmanagement. München: Vahlen Verlag, 143-154 (in German).
Gassmann, O.; von Zedtwitz, M. (1996): Marktorientiertes Forschungsmanagement. Wissenschaftsmanagement 3, Mai/Juni, München, 138-144 (in German).
Bosshart, O.; Gassmann, O. (1996): Management Strategischer Technologieallianzen, in: Gassmann; O.; von Zedtwitz, M. (Hrsg.): Internationales Innovationsmanagement, München, 187-211.
Boutellier, R.; Gassmann, O. (1996): Internationales Innovationsmanagement - Trends und Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten, in: Gassmann; O.; von Zedtwitz, M. (Hrsg.): Internationales Innovationsmanagement, München, 281-301.
Gassmann, O.; von Zedtwitz, M. (1996): Internationales Innovationsmanagement - ein Referenzrahmen, in: Gassmann, O.; von Zedtwitz, M. (1996, Eds): Internationales Innovationsmanagement. München: Vahlen Verlag, 3-15 (in German).
von Zedtwitz, M.; Kiss, E. (1996): Wettbewerbsstrategien und Dominante Designs auf globalen Märkten, in: Gassmann, O.; von Zedtwitz, M. (1996, Eds): Internationales Innovationsmanagement. München: Vahlen Verlag, 105-116 (in German).
von Zedtwitz, M.; Schadt, M.; Brauchli, M. (1996): Überwindung nationaler Grenzen am Beispiel der Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)-Technologie, in: Gassmann, O.; von Zedtwitz, M. (1996, Eds): Internationales Innovationsmanagement. München: Vahlen Verlag, 143-154 (in German).
von Zedtwitz, M. (1994): Diplomarbeit aus dem High-Tech-Labor. Universitätsmagazin Forum, 7/8 and 9/10, 44-45 (in German).